Soil Void Ratio and Porosity MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Solved MCQs on Soil Void Ratio, Porosity, and Degree of Saturation.

Which of the following will be its void ratio, if the porosity of a soil sample is 22%?
(A). 0.4
(B). 0.11
(C). 0.28
(D). 0.25
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

Which of the following is the relationship between them. As ac and S respectively, if air content and degree of saturation are represented?
(A). ac= 1/S
(B). ac=1-S
(C). S=1+ac
(D). S=ac
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

Which of the following is defined as the ratio of the volume of the degree of saturation?
(A). water to the total volume of voids
(B). air voids to volume of total voids
(C). air voids to volume of water
(D). voids to the total volume of the soil mass
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

Which of the following is the degree of saturation, for a fully saturated soil sample,?
(A). 2
(B). 0.1
(C). 0.8
(D). 1
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

Which of the following is defined as the ratio of the volume of air content ratio?
(A). air voids to the total volume of the soil mass
(B). air voids to volume of total voids
(C). air voids to volume of water
(D). voids to the total volume of the soil mass
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

The degree of saturation is equal to zero for a perfectly dry sample.
(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

Which of the following gives the relationship between porosity n and void ratio e?
(A). 1+n= 1/(1+e)
(B). 1-n= 1/(1+e)
(C). n= 1/e
(D). n= 1/(1+e)
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

Which of the following will be void ratio, the ratio of saturated unit weight to dry unit weight is equal to 1.2 for a soil sample and the specific gravity of solids G is 2.65?
(A). 0.58
(B). 0.66
(C). 0.53
(D). 0.94
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

Which of the following will be the degree of saturation of a soil sample whose void ratio e=0.66, specific gravity G=2.7 and water content w=20%?
(A). 85.88%
(B). 90.91%
(C). 81.81%
(D). 92.92%
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

Air occupies one-seventh of its volume in wet soil mass and water occupies one-eighth of its volume. Which of the following is the void ratio of the soil?
(A). 0.25
(B). 0.36
(C). 0.43
(D). 1
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

The porosity of a soil sample whose void ratio is 0.35, which of the following will be (A). 19.5%
(B). 40.65%
(C). 25.9%
(D). 30%
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

For a humid soil sample the range of degree of saturation is between 0 and 0.25
(A). True
(B). False
(C). Partially True
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

The total volume of the soil mass, which of the following is independent of?
(A). Bulk unit weight
(B). Dry unit weight
(C). Submerged unit weight
(D). Unit weight of solids
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

As the ratio of _____the percentage void ratio is defined.
(A). volume of air voids to total volume of the soil mass
(B). volume of air voids to volume of total voids
(C). volume of air voids to volume of water
(D). volume of voids to total volume of the soil mass
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

Which of the following is the ratio of Void ratio ? volume of _________
(A). voids to total volume
(B). voids to volume of solids
(C). solids to volume of voids
(D). soil mass to volume of voids
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

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