Normative ethics Examples, and Classification

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Normative Ethics

Ethics are the standards that govern right and wrong conduct. The concept of ethical norms is one that has been around for a long time and is still used by many institutions today.

Normative Ethics is the branch of ethics that deals with moral rules and principles. It is a wide-ranging field that includes everything from professional conduct to the law, from social customs to international treaties.

Normative Ethics has been applied in many fields such as business, law, and education. For example, in business, it is used when companies develop codes of conduct for employees or when they want to make sure that their brand values are being upheld. In law, it helps lawyers determine if a given act is ethical or not. In education, it helps educators decide whether they should allow students to take part in certain activities or not.

Normative ethics has also been applied in other fields such as politics and sociology where it can help policymakers make decisions on how to best govern their country or how people should live their lives.

Importance of Normative Ethics

Normative ethics is a field that deals with the norms of how people should behave and what they should do. With the rapid development of technology in our society, it is important to consider the impact this may have on ethical standards.

Example of Normative Ethics

One example of normative ethics is moral philosophy, which studies how humans ought to live and act. Normative ethics also deals with the ethical standards of institutions such as schools, workplaces, and governments.

Classification of Normative Ethics

Normative ethics is a branch of ethics that studies the moral principles and values that are considered right or wrong. In contrast to descriptive ethics, which focuses on describing what people believe to be the right thing to do in a given situation, normative ethics deals with what is actually right or wrong.

The classification of normative ethics includes three broad categories:

  1. Deontology

  2. Virtue Ethics

  3. Consequentialism

1. Deontology

This type of normative ethics is based on rules and laws. It emphasizes individual rights and responsibilities. Kantian deontology is an example of this type of ethical theory.

Examples of Deontology

Some examples of Deontology Ethics are:

  • – Saving someone from drowning before you can save yourself;

  • – Helping someone who has been robbed as long as you do not put yourself in danger;

  • – Taking care of your family before starting a business or career.

Virtue Ethics

This kind of normative ethical theory is based on virtues, such as honesty, kindness, courage and justice. The main idea behind this type of ethical theory is that people should live their lives by these virtues because they will lead to happiness and success in life.

Examples of Virtue Ethics

The following are examples of some virtues:

– Courage – Resilience – Honesty – Generosity – Justice


This type of ethical theory focuses on consequences rather than rules or duties. It emphasizes the consequences (good or bad)

Examples of Consequentialism

There are many examples of consequentialism, but the most common one is utilitarianism. Utilitarianism has been used in many different ways by different people throughout history.