Values, Ethics and Society Past Papers Important Exam Questions

Values, Ethics and Society Past Papers 1

Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1) Define the following terms:
i) Ethics
ii) Motive
iii) Virtue
iv) Universalistic hedonism
v) Duty
vi) Right
vii) Justice

Q.2) What is language? Explain the kinds of language used in ethics.

Q.3) Give a critical account of Hume’s theory of self.

Q.4) Critically evaluate G.E. Moore’s theory of “Naturalistic Fallacy”.

Q.5) Discuss Kant’s three formulations in the light of categorical imperatives.

Q.6) If morality has to follow from religion, can there be rational justification for moral actions? Discuss.

Q.7) Is religious morality consistent with individual freedom? Explain.

Q.8) Write short notes on any two of the following:
a) Ethical Egoism
b) Greek ethics
c) Branches of Ethics

Values, Ethics and Society Past Papers 2

Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1) Define the following terms:
i) Motive
ii) Rights
iii) Value
iv) Duty
v) Religion
vi) Virtue
vii) Justice

Q.2) What do you know about the ethical system? Also briefly explain its importance in society.

Q.3) Discuss Kant’s three formulations in the light of categorical imperatives.

Q.4) Critically evaluate G.E. Moore’s theory of “Naturalistic Fallacy”.

Q.5) State the meaning of virtue. Explain and evaluate justice as a cardinal virtue.

Q.6) What are the uses of language? Explain the kinds of language used in ethics.

Q.7) Give a critical account of Hume’s theory of self.

Q.8) Write short notes on any two of the following:
a) Reason as a motive to action
b) Psychological Hedonism
c) Butler’s theory of conscience

Values, Ethics and Society Past Papers 3

Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1) Give a short answer to the following:
a) What is Ethics?
b) Define the nature of Desire.
c) Psychological Hedonism.
d) The nature of moral judgment.
e) Classifications of theories of moral standards.

Q.2) Describe the Data & methods of Ethics.

Q.3) Define Ethics & also explain the uses of Ethics.

Q.4) Examine the Psychology as Explaining conducts & nature of desire.

Q.5) Explain the levels of Development & the level of Instinct.

Q.6) Describe the level of conscience & Historical Development of Morality.

Q.7) What are the theories of conscience & nature of moral Judgment? Describe in detail.

Q.8) Explain the Greek Ethics.

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