Conclusion in Formal Letters
A suitable expression of respect and professionalism is crucial for the conclusion of your letter. Although the majority of formal letter conclusion options are designated still it depends on the familiarity and warmth to whom we are writing the letter. This will help us in determining the closing we choose to write.
- If you don’t know the person to whom you are writing the letter then it is better to use a formal and business-like ending.
- If you are writing to a co-worker, business acquaintance, or anyone whom you know you can end your letter less formally.
Words used in Formal Letters Conclusion
We can use words like
- Yours faithfully
- Yours sincerely
- Yours respectfully
- Yours truly
- With appreciation
- With gratitude
- With sincere thanks
- Cordially
- Cordially yours
- Best regards
and words having a sense of formality and high esteem can be used in the conclusion of formal letters.
Conclusion in Informal Letters
An informal letter needs a proper conclusion too however, we can send an informal letter with less formal regards and phrases because of our acquaintance with the reader. Like formal letters, informal letters also have designated conclusions but still, there is a margin for writing an undesignated conclusion.
Words used in InFormal Letters Conclusion
We can use words like
- your friend
- Best wishes
- All the best
- your loving daughter or son
- your loving nephew or niece
- Take care
- Lots of love
- Yours lovingly
- Kind regards
- Warm regards
and any word that shows informality in any sense but staying in the circle of respect and esteem can be used for informal letter conclusions.
What is Letter Writing?
A letter is a concise, written communication that is typically conveyed from an individual to another person over some distance, or perhaps to several people or a firm.
Letter writing is the oldest form of communication that still exists and is very important in some cases. The first handwritten letters that have been discovered date from around 500 BCE proving the validity and significance of this mode of correspondence. Before that written communication was going through utilizing mud plates and other things like that. People have used letters for a very long time to keep in touch with others, share important information and documents, and order objects and services. Although most of the correspondence that was once handled by writing letters has been replaced by digital technology in the twenty-first century, still letters are necessary for some situations.
Types of Letters
There are mainly two types of letters.
- Formal Letters.
- Informal Letters.
Formal Letters:
In these letters, the writer of the letter adheres to a specific format and level of formality and decorum. These letters are utterly professional and directly deal with the relevant concerns. In this category of letters any format related to business or communication with the authorities, colleagues, seniors, and dignitaries include.
Categories of Formal Letter
Many types of letters fall in the category of formal letters.
Employment Letter:
Any piece of correspondence which shows any sign of the hiring process such as a joining letter, promotion letter, application letter, etc will be counted in the category of Employment Letter.
Official Letter:
In offices to inform an individual or several people, the department this type of letters issue from the management or the authority. These letters are based on official information, guidelines, important notices, protocols, events, and such sort of information and communications. Official letters are truly official in tone and have a certain format and formality.
Business Letter:
These letters were sent between business acquaintances and correspondents. These letters contain generally business details like quotes, contracts, objections, claims, letters for collectors, etc. such letters follow strict formality patterns and adhere to a formal format.
Social Letter:
Social letters are written during particular events and these letters are of private type. Letters of congratulations, celebration, appreciation, compliments, sympathy, condolence, invitation, welcome, request, greeting, apology, etc all fall in the category of social letters.
Circular Letter:
The term “circular letter” refers to a letter that distributes information to many recipients. To convey crucial news to a large number of people such as a change of name or address, management change, a partner’s retirement, declaration of disinheriting or disown, etc circular letters fulfill the given task.
All of these letters and letters related to these categories in any manner fall under the genre of formal letters and we employ the same closing phrases as we do in formal letters depending upon the purpose and letter type.
Informal Letters:
In this category of letters, correspondence is personal and private. There are no rules or formalities to writing these letters or a specific pattern to follow. These letters contain personal conversations or these letters are based on confidential information. Normally, informal letters are sent to family, friends, acquaintances, relatives, etc.
There are many other types of letters including formal and informal letters based on their topics, the purpose of writing, and the intended audience each of them has a different conclusion which we used to write at the end of our letter.
Categories of Informal Letter
As we know that informal letters are written to close relatives, friends, family, siblings, distant relatives, and acquaintances. These letters follow informal patterns and personal thoughts and communication. We can write these letters as per our desire, requirement, and situation.
- Letter to father or mother on any topic.
- Letter to siblings on any topic.
- Letter to any relative.
- Letter to a friend on any topic.
Any letter related to an informal topic that we write to any of our contact or familiarity will be counted in the class of informal letters.
Other Tutorials about conclusion writing
- Conclusion of a formal & informal letter
- Personal Statement Conclusion
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