Important Questions of Computer Science 10th Class

Computer Science

10th Class


(1) Which operator is used for initializing?

(A) →                   (B) =                      (C) @                    (D)?

(2) Which operator has highest precedence?

(A) /                      (B) =                      (C) >                      (D)!

(3) Which of the following is basic type of operator?

(A) Arithmetic operator               (B) Relational operator  (C) Cheek operator (D) Lineal operator

(4) How many types of control statement in C language?

(A) Five               (B) Two                (C) Three             (D) Four

(5) Which is a election statement?

(A) Float               (B) if-else            (C) Array              (D) Loop

(6) What is the output of the following code?

int a[4] ={8,7.6,5}.

Printf {‘%d”, a [3]};

(A) 5                     (B) 6                       (C) 7                       (D) 8

(7) How many times the word ‘PUNJAB” will be printed using for loop?

for (int a = 0; a <6 ; a++),

printf (“PUNJAB”);

(A) 5                      (B) 6                       (C)7                        (D) 8

(8)The print and scan are:

(A) Built-In functions                                                      (B) Control functions

(C) User defined functions                                          (D) Commercial functions


(9) A function that does not return anything has return type:

(A) Null                                 (B) nothing         (C) switch            (D) void

(I0) Multiple arguments passed to a function are separated by:

(A):                        (B);                         (C),                         (D).



Short Questions

(i) Write down any four keywords.

(ii) What is meant by character set?

(iii) How Int data typo can be declared?

(iv)What is the difference between == operator and ≠operator?

(v) What is the purpose of statement terminator?

(vi) What is use of assignment operator?

(vii) What is selection statement?

(viii) What will be the output of this code?

int I = 0;

if ( i<1 )

printf (‘OKAY’);


printf (”Bye”).

(ix) Draw a flowchart that shows the basic flow of if statement.

(x) Define Compound statement

(xi) What is an array?

(xii) How can you declare an ray in C-language?

(xiii) What Is meant by aerator In a loop?

(xiv) Write output of following code

for ( int I = 2; i < 7; i++ )

printf (” %d \ n”, i );

(xv) Write different types of function

(xvi) Write structure of function definition.

(xvii) Define return value of a function

(xviii) How does a fusion return a value?


Long Questions

  1. Write the events rules 4+2+2 of variable. Also explain the declaration and initialization of variable with examples 2 + 6 = 8
  2. What is meant by relational operators? Write detailed note on ‘sooner Operators With use in C-language Structure =4 Logic = 4.
  3. Write a program using FOR loop to print odd number from 1 to 19.




  1. How many possible solutions are there for a problem?

(A) One

(B) Two

(C) Three

(D) Multiple

  1. GW-BASIC can operate in:

(A) One mode

(B) Two modes

(C) Three modes

(D) Several modes

  1. Which of the blowing statement temporarily stops the execution of program?





  1. Which of the following cannot be used to exit from an error handing routine?





  1. Dimension statement uses the keyword:


(B) DS


(D) DM

  1. The output of a function INT (-5.7) is:

(A) -5

(B) -4

(C) -6

(D) 5

  1. TAN(x) =

(A) SIN(x) /COT(x)

(B) COT(x)

(C) COS(x) / SIN (x)

(D) SIN(x)/COS(x)

  1. Which function changes the way of displaying output in BASIC?





  1. Which one options is not in Edit menu?

(A) Undo

(B) Redo

(C) Find

(D) Font

  1. Which key board short cut is used for print preview?

(A) Ctrl +P

(B) Ctrl+F12

(C) Alt +P

(D) Ctrl+F2

Objective (2021)


(1) How many possible solutions are there for a problem?

(A) One

(B) Two

(C) Three

(D) Multiple

(2) GW-BASIC can operate in:

(A) One mode

(B) Two modes

(C) Three modes

(D) Several modes

(3) The maximum length of a variable name in GW-BASIC is:

(A) 31

(B) 32

(C) 40

(D) 45

(4) Which of the following is not a logical operator?


(B) OR



(5) FOR—NEXT is used to implement:

(A) Iteration

(B) Selection

(C) Sequence

(D) All these

(6) There are____ types of an array.

(A) 1

(B) 2

(c) 3

(D) 4

(7) The statement X (30) will reserve ___ memory locations.

(A) 29

(B) 30

(c) 34

(D) 40

(8) The output of a function INT (-5.7) is:

(A) -5

(B) -4

(C) -6

(D) 5

(9) The _____ function is used to convert ASCII codes to its character equivalent.

(A) CHAR$ ()

(B) CHR ()


(D) CHR$ ()

(10) Which function changes the way of displaying output in BASIC?






Short Questions

  1. What is meant by syntax of programming language?
  2. How many types of errors can be in programming? Write names
  3. Write three characteristics of BASIC.
  4. Define variables in BASIC.
  5. Write the procedure of operation in GW-BASIC.
  6. Describe about indirect mode.
  7. What is meant by DIM-Statement?
  8. Differentiate between 1-D Array and 2-D May.
  9. Describe about printing two dimensional Array.
  10. Write the syntax of user-defined function.
  11. Describe the purpose of INT ( ) function.
  12. Differentiate between data file and program file.
  13. He Define GoTo statement.
  14. Define Text mode.
  15. What is Status BAR?
  16. How can you save a document in MS-Word?
  17. What is clipboard?
  18. How can you print a document in MS-Word?

Long Questions

  1. Write down the strategy for developing algorithm 4 + 4 and write an algorithm for baking a cake at home.
  2. Define Nested Loop. 2 + 3 + 3 Write purpose and syntax of For-Next and While-Wend Loop

2 + 3 + 3

  1. What is CIRCLE statement? Explain the syntax of CIRCLE statement with example.



(1) For initialize a variable, we use_____ Operator.

(A) →

(B) =

(C) @

(D) ?


(2) getch ( )is used to take ______as input from the user.

(A) int

(B) float

(C) char

(D) printf


(3) Which of the following is a valid tine of code?

(A) int = 20;

(B) grade =’A’;;

(C) line = this is a tine;

(D) int=c


(4) Which of the following is the condition to check a is factor of c?

(A) a%c==0

(B) c%a==0

(C) a*c==0

(0) a+c==0


(5) Sequential control is the____control structure in C-language.

(A) Selection

(B) Repetition

(C) Relation

(D) Default


(6) Array elements are stored at____memory location.

(A) Contiguous

(B) Scattered

(C) Divided

(D) Add


(7) ______ part of for loop is executed first.

(A) Condition

(B) Body

(C) Initialization

(D) Increment/decrement


(8) The functions which are available in C Standard Library are called:

(A) user-defined

(B) Built-in

(C) Recursive

(D) Repetitive


(9) What will be the output of code?

Void main ( )


printf (“2”).


(A) 3

(B) 1

(C) 2

(D) 4


(10) Readability helps to__ the code.

(A) Save

(B) Modify

(C) Run

(D) Compile



Short Questions

  1. What is meant by programming environment?
  2. Write two rules for naming variables.
  3. Differentiate between “char” and “int”.
  4. Define logical operators.
  5. What is the use of format specifier in C-language?
  6. Differentiate between unary operators and binary operators.
  7. Define control statements.
  8. Why do we need selection statements?
  9. Identify the errors in the following code:if(x ⪰10)printf (“Good”):
  10. Write the structure of if statement.
  11. Write the example of the declaration of a float type array that holds marks of five students.
  12. Define data structure.
  13. Define loop.
  14. Write output of following code:for (int i = 0; i< 2; i++)printf (“Pakistan\n”),
  15. What is divide and conquer rule?
  16. Define function.
  17. Write two advantages of function.
  18. Differentiate between argument and parameter.

Long Questions

  1. What is meant by comments in C Program?
  2. Describe purposes and types of comments.
  3. Explain the use of print} and scanf( ) in C-language with examples. Logic = 4, Structure = 4
  4. Write a program using For loop to print table of any number.



(1) For initializing a variable, we use_______operator.

(A) →

(B) =

(C) @

(D) ?


(2) Which of the following is a valid character in C-language?

(A) “here”

(B) “a”

(C) ‘a’

(D) 115


(3) In C-language, which of the following is logical operator?

(A) +

(B) <

(C) %



(4) An if statement inside another if statement is called_____ structure.

(A) Nested

(B) Boxed

(C) Repeated

(D) Decomposed


(5) All of the following are control statements except:

(A) Sequential

(B) Repitition

(C) Selection

(D) Relation


(6) _____ Structure allows repetition of a set of instructions.

(A) Loop

(B) Conditional

(C) Control

(D) Data


(7) Using loop inside the loop is called:

(A) For

(B) While

(C) Simple

(D) Nested


(8) The values passed to a function are called:

(A) Bodies

(B) Return types

(C) Arrays

(D) Arguments


(9) What will be the output of this code?

Void abc ( )




(A) Punjab

(B) Pun

(C) Pak

(D) Pakistan


(10) if there are three retun statements in the function body __ of them will be executed.

(A) One

(B) Two

(C) Three

(D) Four



Short Questions

  1. What do you know about text editor?
  2. What is compiler?
  • While the purpose of syntax.
  1. What is the difference between printf( ) and scanf{ )?
  2. Define assignment operator.
  3. Define Modulus operator.
  • What is sequential control?
  • What is the output of the following:

int a=3, b= 5;


if(a>8 && b <8)

b= a+b;

printf (“a = %d, b = %d”, a, b);

  1. Write the purpose of if statement.
  2. White structure of if-else statement.
  3. Define array.
  • Declare an array of float type to store marks of 40 students.
  • Identify the errors of this code. for (int x= 0, x <5; x++)
  • printf(“PAKISTAN”);
  1. Write the output of this code.

int x;

for (x=0; x< 3;x++)

  • print (” \n”);
  • Define user-defined functions.
  • How a function is called?
  • Differentiate between arguments and parameters.
  1. What is meant by function body?

Long Questions

  1. What is variable? Write down the rules for naming variable in C-language.
  2. Explain the use of printf( ) and scanf( ) functions in C-language with examples. Structure = 4, Logic=4
  3. Write a program using “for” loop to print counting from 1-10.

Subjective (2021)


Short Questions

  1. Define debugging.
  2. Compare flowchart and algorithm.
  • What does IF—–THEN statement do?
  1. Write a note on While—Wend loop.
  2. Define control structure.
  3. What is meant by selection structure?
  • How does direct mode work in BASIC?
  • Write a procedure to save a program in BASIC.
  1. Define Numeric Variable.
  2. Write the use of subscript variable in array.
  3. What is meant by one dimensional array?
  • List two uses of array.
  • Define sub-program.
  • Write the syntax of user defined function.
  1. Define string functions.
  • What are arguments?
  • Define graphics.
  • What is the use of PSET statement in BASIC?


Long Questions

  1. Define an algorithm. Explain the strategy for developing an algorithm.
  2. Write down the structure of BASIC program.
  3. Write a program to draw a Star.

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