Important questions for Class 10th Chemistry

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: March 10, 2024


Class 10th


(1) For the given reaction which equilibrium constant expression is correct?  2A +B ⇋ 3C

Note: any 4 options can be given

(2)Which one of the following is a Lewis base?

(A)NH3                  (B) BF3                                 (C) H+                    (D) AlCl3

(3)Which one of the following does not contain protein?

(A) Pulses            (B) Potatoes       (C) Bella               (D) Eggs

(4)Formula of Acetaldehyde is:

Note: any 4 options can be given

(5)Oxidation of Alkenes produces:

(A) Glyoxal          (B) Glycol             (C) Oxalic Acid   (D) Formic Acid

(6)Which one of the following is a triglyceride?

(A) Carbohydrates (B) Proteins (C) Lipids              (C) Vitamins

(7)Acid rain affects the aquatic life by clogging fish gills because of:

(A) Lead metal  (B) Chromium metal       (C) Mercury Metal           (D) Aluminum metal

(8) Infrared radiations emitted by the earth are absorbed by:

(A) CO3 and H2O (B) N2 and O2   (C) CO2                 (D) O2 and CO2

(9) Major air pollutants are classified into:

(A) One types (B) Two types (C) Three types      (D) Four types

(10) Temporary hardness is because of:

(A) Ca(HCO3)2    (B) CaCO3            (C)MgCO3            (D)MgSO4

(11) Which one of the given diseases causes diarrhea and can be fatal?

(A) Jaundice       (B) Dysentery    (C) Cholera         (D) Typhoid

(12) Crude oil is heated in the furnace unto:

(A) 3000C             (B) 3500C              (C) 4000C             (D) 4500C



Short Questions

  1. Find out the unit of equilibrium constant for the given reaction: N2 +3H2 ⇋ 2NH3
  2. Write down two characteristics of resersible reaction.
  • Draw dot and cross formula of propane.
  1. What are alicyclic compounds? Give an example.
  2. Justify organic compounds are used as food.
  3. How can you identify the given compound is unsaturated by bromine water test?
  • Why monosaccharides are also called reducing sugars?
  • Write the general formula of amino acid.
  1. How can you justify that Pb(OH)NO3 is a basic Salt?
  2. Name the acids present in the given:
  3. (a) Vinegar (b) Ant sting
  • Why the Alkanes are called paraffins?
  • Give two physical properties of Alkanes.
  • How is roasting carried out?
  1. How is ammonia recovered in Solvay’s process?
  • Describe the difference between diesel oil and fuel oil.
  • Define Ores.
  • What is meant by atmosphere?
  • What is the difference between pollutants and contaminants?
  1. Write down two sources of oxides of Carbon.
  • How is Acid rain produced?
  • What is Capillary Action?
  • Which salts are responsible for hardness of water?
  • What is function of fertilizers?
  • What is dysentery?

Long Questions

  1. Describe the live uses of Carbohydrates.
  2. State the law of Mass Action and derive the one expression for the equilibrium constant for a general reaction.
  3. Give uses of arty five different acids in daily life.
  4. What is hard water? Give disadvantages of hard water.
  5. Write down five advantages of Solvay’s process.
  6. Write down halogenation of alkanes in the presence of diffused sun light.


(1)Nitrogen and hydrogen were reacted together to make ammonia K(‘ =2.86mol-2dm6 What will It be present in equilibrium mixture?

(A) NH3 only                      (B) N2 H2, and NH3           (C) N2 and H2 only            (D) H2 only

(2) The conjugate base of H2PO4is:

(A) HPO42-                          (B) HPO4                            (C)PO2-4                                                        (D)H2PO4

(3)Which one of the given is not a fossil fuel?

(A) Coal                               (B) Natural gas                  (C) Biogas                            (D) Petroleum

(4) The functional group—COOH is found in:

(A) Carboxylic acids         (B) Aldehydes                   (C) Alcohols                       (D) Esters

(5) Oxidation of alkenes produces:

(A) Glyoxal                          (B) Oxalic acid                    (C) Forma acid                   (D) Glycol

(6) Photosynthesis process produces:

(A) Starch            (B) Cellulose                                      (C)Sucrose                          (D) Glucose

(7) Earth’s atmosphere comprises 99% by volume by two gases are:

(A) Nitrogen and ozone                               (B) Nitrogen and oxygen

(C) Carbon dioxide and oxygen                  (D) Argon and oxygen

(8) Which is not air pollutant?

(A) NO2                               (B) SO2                                                  (C) CO                                   (D) N2

(9) Depending upon temperature variation, atmosphere is divided into regions

(A) One                               (B) TWO                                               (C) Four                                (D) Three

(10) Water dissolves non-ionic compounds by

(A) ion-ion forces             (B) Ion-dipole forces                      (C) dipole-dipole forces                (D) Hydrogen bonding

(11) A disease that causes bone and tooth damage is.

(A) Fluorosis                       (B) Hepatitis                                      (C) Cholera                         (D) Jaundice






Short Questions

  1. Write two macroscopic characteristics of Reverse reaction.
  2. Why is equilibrium state attainable from either way?
  • How alcoholic functional group Is identified?
  1. Justly that organic compounds are used as food.
  2. What is ketonic group? Write down the formula of acetone.
  3. Write down the dot and cross formulae of propane and n-butane.
  • Where are the proteins found? Why are the ten amino acids essential for us?
  • Define the Lewis acid and Lewis base
  1. Define the pH. What is the pH of pure water?
  2. Differentiate between saturated and unsaturated Hydrocarbons.
  3. What is roasting?
  • Write the difference between crude oil and residual oil.
  • Write two uses of diesel oil.
  • Write the raw material used in preparation of urea.
  1. How acid rain increases acidity of the soil?
  • Write two different sources of air pollutants.
  • Write any two effects of global warming
  • What is ozone hole? Where was it noticed for the first time?
  • What is Cryptosporidium? What are its symptoms?
  1. How temporary hardness is removed by Clark’s method?
  • What is the value of heat capacity of water? How is d essential for us?
  • Write any two methods of prevention from waterborne diseases.

Long Questions

  1. What are amino acids? Explain that amino acids are building blocks of proteins.
  2. Write down any four macroscopic characteristics of dynamic equilibrium.
  3. What is auto-ionization of water? How is it used to establish the pH of water?
  4. Explain the water pollution because of industrial waste.
  5. What is petroleum? Describe any three fractions of petroleum.



(1) When reaction cease to proceed the state is called

(A) Chemical equilibrium              (B) Dynamic equilibrium

(C) Static equilibrium                      (D) Equilibrium constant

(2) Acetic acid is used for:

(A) Food preservation                                                   (B) Cure sting of bee

(C) Manufacturing of bleaching powder                                (D) Remove grease stain

(3) Main component of natural gas is:

(A) CH4                                                (B) C3H3                                (C) C4H10                              (D) C8H18

(4) Which compound is not produced in the halogenation of Methane?

(A) Chloromethane        (B) Chloroform                  (C) Carbon tetrachloride (D) Carbon black

(5) Pitch is black residue of:

(A) Coke                             (B) Coal                                (C) Coal Tar                         (D) Coal gas

(6) Which one of the given compound is tasteless?

(A) Monosaccharides     (B) Disaccharides              (C) Sucrose                         (D) Polysaccharides

(7) The percentage of Nitrogen in air is______% by volume.

(A) 78.09                             (8) 20.94                               (C) 0.93                                 (D) 0.01

(8) Identify the greenhouse gas:

(A) NO2                                                (B) CO2                                                 (C) SO2                                  (D) Cl2

(9) Which gas causes depletion of ozone layer?

(A) Cl2                                   (B) NH3                                                 (C) CFCl3                               (D) NO2

(10) The permanent hardness of water is removed by using:

(A) Lime stone                  (B) Soda lime                     (C) Sodium-Zeolite          (D) Baking soda

(11) Liver inflammation disease is called:

(A) Jaundice                       (B) Hepatitis                      (C) Night blindness          (D) Cholera

(12) The formula of urea is:

(A) NH2COONH4              (B) NH2CONH4                   (C) NH2CONH2                  (D) NH2COONH2



  1. Describe chemical equilibrium.
  2. Derive units of Kc for given reaction. H2 + I2⇌ 2HI
  3. Define aromatic compounds and give an example.
  4. What is Ammonical liquor? Give its use.
  5. What are Alkyl radicals? Write its general formula.
  6. What are Ketones? Write down formula of Acetone.
  7. What are essential and non-essential amino acids?
  8. Give an example of Disaccharide. How is it hydrolyzed into monosaccharides.
  9. Define conjugate acid. Give an example.
  10. What are mixed salts? Give example.
  11. Why the Alkanes are called ‘Paraffins”?
  12. Give two uses of Ethene.
  13. Write definitions of Gangue and Metallurgy.
  14. What is calcination process? Also give chemical equation.
  15. What is Roasting? Write chemical equation of Roasting Process.
  16. Write down the two uses of petroleum ether.
  17. Why ozone is not formed in lowest part of stratosphere?
  18. What are the effects of SO2 gas in air?
  19. Write any two harmful effects of ozone depletion.
  20. Why does temperature decrease in troposphere?
  21. Write two disadvantages of hard water.
  22. What are industrial effluents? Give examples
  23. Why are pesticides used?
  24. Give a brief account on Fluorosis.

Long Questions

  1. What are carbohydrates? How monosaccharides are prepared? Give their characteristics.
  2. Describe a reversible reaction with the help of an example and graph.
  3. Define Lewis Acid and Base and illustrate your answer with an example.
  4. Describe four effects of water pollution.
  5. What is Urea? Describe its importance. Explain the oxidation of acetylene.

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