Home Care Services Project in PHP or ASP.NET

Home Care Services Project in PHP or ASP.NET

Here, we are showing you a detailed summary of the project of the Home Care Services Project in PHP or ASP.NET.


Home Care Services is a web application that will allow its users to hire staff for home. The staff will be available for services such as child care (babysitter), maid, and kitchen care (cook).

In this web application, there will be 3 types of users.

  1. Client
  2. Service Provider
  3. Admin

The client should be able to hire a service provider through this web application. The application will get the client’s requirements in the form of a questionnaire and depending on the answers by the client; the application will show the closest matching service providers to the client. The client will be able to send an offer to the service provider of his/her choice.

Home Care Services Project in PHP or ASP.NET
Figure: Home Care Services Project in PHP or ASP.NET

The Service Provider will be able to provide his/her availability in terms of days and time and what will be the minimum charges he/she will be charging the client with. The service providers will also be able to accept/reject/bargain on an offer made by the client.

Following is the detailed information about the users of the application and the functions they can perform in the application:


  • Admin should be able to add/update/remove a client or a service provider manually.
  • Admin should be able to accept/reject a client or a service provider’s sign up request.

It means whenever a client or a service provider signs up through the registration forms, they should not be added into the database until the admin approves.

  • Admin should be able to create an offer on behalf of the client and should also be able to accept/reject an offer on behalf of a service provider.


  • A Client should be able to sign up using the Client Registration Form.
  • The registration form should get the client’s basic information and requirements.
  • The basic information about the client should have fields such as Name, Email, Phone, Address, Occupation, etc.
  • Client’s requirements information will include if the client requires services of a babysitter, maid or a cook for the kitchen. It will also include things like required experience, availability (in terms of days in a week and hours of the day), age, and gender of the service provider.
  • The client should have interfaces such as Hire a Service Provider, Your Hiring History, Suggestions (should show the service providers who match the requirements), Update Your Account/Requirements, Logout, etc.
  • The suggestions area should show the closest matching service providers to the client according to his/her requirements. The application will suggest the service providers to the clients on the basis of their experience, age, gender, availability, and charges (hourly/daily/weekly).
  • The client should be able to send an offer to a service provider in the list of suggestions.

Once the offer is made by the client, the status should show “Pending” until the service provider accepts/rejects the offer. The status next to the offer should update accordingly after the offer is accepted/rejected.

  • On the completion of this job, the client should be able to close the job on the site and give feedback on the service provider’s performance.
  • Once the job is closed, the information about this job should be moved to the Client’s

Hiring History.

Service Provider

  • The Service Provider should be able to sign up through a registration form.
  • The registration form will get the basic information and the information about the skills and availability of information from the service provider.
  • Basic information will include fields such as Name, Email, Phone, Address, Age, Gender, etc.
  • Skills and availability information will include service provider’s interesting job category (babysitter, maid or cook), availability (days of the week and hours in a day), how much they will charge (hourly/daily/weekly), experience, etc.
  • The service provider’s site interface should have options such as Update Your Account

(availability timings, charges, etc), See the Offers, Previous Job History, Logout, etc.

  • On the Offers page/section, the service providers should be able to see the offers made by the clients for them, should be able to accept/reject an offer, and should be able to offer the client his/her services on some different terms as compared to the client’s offer.
  • Once the offer is accepted/rejected, the status of the offer will be updated accordingly.
  • On the completion of the job, the service provider should be able to give feedback on the client according to the client’s cooperation, facilitation, and other relevant parameters.
  • Once the job is closed by the client, it should move to the service provider’s previous job history.

Tools and Languages

You can use any combination of the tools and languages from the following:

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, WAMP server, SQL, Dreamviewer, Notepad++ etc.

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming

You can use any of the following PHP Frameworks For developing this Web Development Project
1. Laravel
2. Phalcon
3. Fat-Free Framework
4. CodeIgniter
5. Laminas Project
6. CakePHP
7. FuelPHP
8. Slim
9. PHPixie
10. Symfony
11. Yii