Essay on land pollution – [500 words]

Write an essay on land pollution in 500 words:

Land pollution can be explained as the result of destruction or decline in the quality of the earth’s surfaces from the actions of human beings. This can take many forms, such as soil contamination, deforestation, and urbanization. Land pollution has many negative effects on the environment and human health, and it is an important issue that needs to be addressed. Land pollution has also become one of the leading causes of human deaths in the past century. I will discuss the causes of land pollution, the effects of land pollution on the environment and human health, and potential solutions for addressing land pollution.

Causes of Land Pollution

  1. Industrialization: Industrial activities such as mining and manufacturing can lead to soil contamination and degradation. More and more companies have been installed in cities which produce a lot of waste that gets thrown into rivers. This also causes land pollution or soil pollution.
  2. Urbanization: As more and more people shift from villages to the city. The dense the city becomes and the more waste products they produce. A lack of careful preparation in dealing with harmful products causes garbage cans to be unattended. These unattended cans of garbage start rotting attracting rats etc. This in return spreads diseases.
  3. Waste products: Land pollution is also caused by throwing or littering waste products or garbage on the street and other places where the garbage shouldn’t be present. One major cause can be illegal dumping by civilians who throw garbage on the street rather than throwing them in the designated areas. Even a single cigarette butt thrown in a parking area out of a vehicle can lead to monumental issues.
  4. Garbage areas: Your waste products might get picked up by a garbage truck that will throw them into an open field. Where the garbage rots resulting in rats habiting it and then causing diseases. Sometimes the wind also carries a lot of rotted garbage to populated areas causing unparalleled damage to the area and health.
  5. Cutting of trees: Cutting trees and forests is another major cause of land pollution. As the human population increases and so does the need for the land area to be habitable. This results in a lot of deforestation.

Harmful effects of Land Pollution

  1. Health issues: The most harmful effect is without a doubt the inverse effects on human health. The increase in soil pollution has caused major plagues and diseases. It even has resulted in a lot of birth defects. The number of patients suffering from respiratory issues has been increasing at an alarming rate almost daily.
  2. Animals: Animals have been suffering from made-made pollution too. Deforestation has called a lot of animals and even made some of the animals go extinct. The rhinoceros is one prime example that just got extinct in 2022 because of the activities of human beings.
  3. Floods: By far the most causalities ensuing cause are floods. In 2022, Pakistan suffered from one of the most devastating floods in its 70 years history. The flood’s losses amount to 6 billion dollars in economic losses and over a thousand deaths with more and more losing their houses and homes. The biggest cause of the floods was climate change which is a major side effect of Land pollution.

The Present Current Leaders all around the globe have been taking drastic actions against Land or Soil pollution with some countries even making it their 1st priority. All in all, Land pollution can cause some major world-changing harmful effects if left untreated. This issue needs both the government’s and the people’s attention.