Comparison between Cloning and Genetic Engineering

Let me share with you a comparison between Cloning and Genetic Engineering.

Aspect           Cloning          Genetic Engineering
IntroductionA process of production of genetically identical copy of an organism.A process of modification of an organism’s DNA to introduce specific traits.
Types·        Reproductive cloning

·        Therapeutic cloning

·        Gene cloning

·        Genetic modification

Techniques·        Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)

·        Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)

·        Recombinant DNA technology

·        CRISPR

Purpose·        Replicating organisms with desired traits.

·        Creating tissues or cells for medical applications.

·        Introducing new traits or modifying existing ones.

·        Improving crop yields

·        Creating disease-resistant organisms

Genetic diversity·        Limited genetic diversity·        Can introduce new genetic material, preserving or enhancing genetic diversity.
Ethical concerns·        Questions about the potential for cloning humans. 

·        Considerations about environmental impact and biodiversity.

Applications·        Production of Dolly the sheep

·        Cloning of animals

·        Pest resistance crops

·        Production of insulin through genetically modified bacteria.