Advance Signaling System Universities Past Paper
Advance Signaling System Universities Past Paper
Q 1: What are Signaling Links. Also explain A, B, C, D, E and F types link with the help of a diagram.
Q 2: Explain SS7 protocol stack in detail.
Q 3: Explain the different functions of signaling units.
Q 4: Explain the different functions of Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP).
Q 5: Discuss the SS7 message format.
Q 6: Describe the working of Message Transfer Part (MTP) level 3.
Q 7: What are Signaling points. Explain SSP, STP and SCP signaling points.
Q 8: Write short notes on any two of the following.
- Inbound Signaling
- Outbound Signaling
- MTP Level 1.