Advance Health Education Past Paper Universities past papers
Advance Health Education Past Paper Universities past papers
Q.1, Tick √ the right answers to the following. 14
I, Release of ———-Blood clotting
a)Fibrinogen b) Adrenaline c )Hormones d)None of these
ii, Static is synonymous to ————–.
- a) plyometrics b) eccentric c) isokinetic d) isometric
iii, Running reduce———-and depression
- a) Anxiety b) Fats c) Weigh d) None of these
iv, ——————————Promote water conservation.
- a) Insulin b) Anitdiuretic hormone (ADH) c) glucagon d) none of these
v, Sports injuries can happen at
- Team Age b) Youth c) Any Age d) Old Age
vi, Primary Source of Energy during exercise is __________
- Protein b) Fat c) Carbohydrate d) Water
vii, According to———-A sound mind in a sound body
a)Aristotle b) Mr. Bitcher c)Rouso d) Willam
viii, Up to ______________ of the body’s weight consist on water
- 75% b) 78% c) 80% d) 85%
Viii, Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy. T / F
ix, the Primary function of Tissue is tissue building. T / F
x, Carbohydrates are a Primary source of fuel for heat. T / F
xi, Sports Medicine specializes in the prevention and treatment of Injures. T / F
xii, Now formula of 1st AID is Rice. T / F
xiii, Active people need maximum 3000 kcal per day. T / F
xiv, During doping test urine, is not must be given. T / F
Q.2: Define Physical Education. Describe the need and importance of sports in active lifestyle? 14
Q.3: Physical Education programs lead to National building active in the modern age? 14
Q.4: Describe the significance of Personal Hygiene and Cleanliness with special reference to Muslim Cultural 14
- 5: Describe of the following; 7+7=14
- a) Balance Diet b) Carbohydrate
Q.6: Write a note on the following; 5+5+4=14
- a) Muscular Injuries b) Fractures c) Treatment & Rehabilitation
Q.7: What is pollution? Explain the different kinds of pollution. 14
Q.8: Write a note of followings; 7+7=14
- a) HIV/ Aids b) Hepatitis A, B, C.