Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Subject: Workshop Technology
Workshop Technology Past Papers and important Exam Questions
Workshop Technology Past Paper 1
Q1: Explain the safety precaution of the workshop.
Q2: Name and explain any five parts of a lath machine using neat and clean diagrams.
Q3: Briefly explain the manufacturing operation of gear teeth using milling machine.
Q4: Briefly explain Honing, Polishing and Buffing processes.
Q5: Briefly explain the difference between NC and CNC Machines.
Q6: Briefly explain the Arc Welding and Gas Welding with neat and clean diagrams.
Q7: Define and explain precision machining with the help of examples.
Q8: Explain any two of the following.
- Mechanism of Chip Formation
- Broaching Machine Operation
- High-Speed Machining