Women Education Past Paper 1
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Subject: Workshop Technology
Q1. Discuss in detail the status of women in Communism and Christianity
Q2. Define Gender education. Explain the concept of Gender education in detail.
Q3. (a) Highlight the role of women in the social welfare of society.
(b) Discuss the status of woman as Mother and Wife in Islam?
Q4. Explain the role of women in the field of Management and Business with suitable examples.
Q5. Define Gender balance. Also discuss Gender role of women and men in detail.
Q6. Elaborate the role of women in the Pakistan movement.
Q7. Highlight the role of an educated woman for a family.
Q8. Write short note on:
- The characteristic of gender education.
- Status of women in Hinduism
Women Education Past Paper Model 2
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Subject: Workshop Technology
Q1. (a). Elaborate the role of women in the Pakistan movement.
. (b) Define Gender education. Explain the characteristics of Gender education in detail.
Q2. Compare the statues of women in Hinduism and in Christianity in detail.
Q3. Discuss the status of women as Mother and daughter in Islam.
Q4. (a) Explain the role of women in the field of science with suitable examples
(b) Highlight the role of women in the social welfare of the society.
Q5. Define Gender balance. Elaborate the critical issues of feminist movements in detail
Q6. In the light of Holy Quran, describe the status of women in Islam.
Q7. How can women education support the role of women for the political system of a nation? Discuss in
Q8. Write short note on:
- Women education and Economic development.
- Gender role of men and women.