Paper 1: Basic Chemical Technology – Past Papers.
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q1: Briefly explain the following. Each part carries 2 marks.
a) Reverse Osmosis
b) Filtration
c) Thermoplastics
d) Cement Hardening
e) Sodium Carbonate and Caustic Soda (Only Formulas)
f) Sedimentation
g) Polymerization
Q.2: What do you mean by hardness of water? What are its different types and removal techniques?
Q.3: Explain the manufacturing process of caustic soda and its uses.
Q4: Explain the manufacturing process of polyester fiber with the help of flow sheet.
Q5: What do you mean by explosives? Discuss different types of explosives.
Q6: Draw and explain the detail flow sheet for cement manufacturing. (Dry process OR Wet process)
Q7: Draw and explain the detail flow sheet for the manufacturing of hydrogen.
Q8: Write short notes on any two of the following:
a) Raw materials for refractories
b) Uses of sodium carbonate
c) Uses of Plastics
Paper 2: Basic Chemical Technology – Past Papers.
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q1: Briefly explain the following. Each part carries 2 marks.
a) Calcination
b) Water conditioning
c) Sedimentation
d) Polyester Fiber
e) Thermoplastics
f) Polymerization
g) Osmosis
Q.2: What do you mean by refractories? Discuss types and uses of refractories?
Q.3: Draw and explain the detailed flow sheet for cement manufacturing by dry process.
Q4: What are different types of rubbers, their importance, and their different uses?
Q5: Explain the manufacturing process of nitrocellulose with the help of a flow sheet.
Q6: Write a detailed note on the physical and chemical properties of sodium carbonate and its uses.
Q7: Draw and explain the detailed flow sheet for the manufacturing of urea (fertilizer).
Q8: Write short notes on any two of the following:
a) Properties of rubber
b) Removal of the hardness of water
c) Reverse Osmosis
Paper 3: Basic Chemical Technology – Past Papers.
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q1. Draw and the flow sheet of carbon dioxide manufacturing only. (10)
Q2. Draw and explain the flow sheet of the cement industry by dry process. (15)
Q3. Draw and explain the manufacturing process of hydrogen gas. (15)
Q4. Discuss the flow sheet of the cement industry (wet process). (15)
Q5. Draw and explain the flow sheet of the caustic soda industry. (15)
Q6. What is polymerization? Explain types of polymerization reactions. (15)
Q7. Draw and explain the flow sheet of the plastic industry. (15)
Q8. What are explosives? Explain the types of explosives in detail. (15)
Paper 4: Basic Chemical Technology – Past Papers.
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q.1 Fill in the blanks: (10)
1. _________hardness of water can be removed by boiling.
2. The chemical formula of Caustic Soda is ………….
3. PVC is an abbreviation of _________.
4. _________ is known as baking soda.
5. Contact process is uses for production of ………
6. Hydrazine (N2H4) is mainly used as a _________
7. Gypsum is added to cement to _________it settling time.
8. ……….. Is known as washing soda.
9. ………… is the formula for TNT.
10. ………… is the formula of urea fertilizer.
Q.2 Draw a neat flow sheet of any Fertilizer. (15)
Q.3 Draw flow sheet and explain the manufacturing process of caustic soda. (15)
Q.4 Draw only the flow sheet of sodium carbonate. (15)
Q.5 Explain the processes that occur in Kiln of the cement industry along with chemical reactions. (15)
Q.6 Draw a neat flow sheet of carbon dioxide manufacturing only. (15)
Q.7 Explain the manufacturing process of Oxygen gas along with the flow sheet. (15)
Q.8 Write a note on any two of the following: (15)
a) Addition Polymerization
b) Condensation Polymerization
c) Temporary Hardness of Water.
d) Permanent hardness of water