Assessment of Mentally Retarded Children Past Papers important Exam Questions

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Assessment of Mentally Retarded Children Past Papers and important Exam Questions

Past Paper 1

Paper: Assessment of Mentally Retarded Children

Time Allowed: 3 hours


Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1 Choose the best option

1. Regarding mentally retarded children which statement is true?
a. Have intelligence quotient less than 70
b. Have underdeveloped adaptive skills
c. Present before the age of 18 years
d. All of above
2. Learning is the ability to
a. Alter behavior in response to new learning or stimulus
b. Read and write
c. Speak and communicate
d. None of above
3. A child showing antisocial behavior will
a. Use angry language
b. Teases or gossips about others
c. Shows disrespect for others
d. All of above
4. What area relates to assessment of writing skills
a. Size of letter and spacing
b. Speed of thinking
c. Use of words in speech
d. Comprehension
5. According to Jean Piaget child is at preoperational stage from
a. 2years -5years
b. 2 years-7 years
c. 3years-7years
d. 7years-11years
6. According to cognitive development a child starts taking others point of view at the age of
a. 4years
b. 7years
c. 2years
d. 12years
7. Learning from the environmental cues is called
a. Memory
b. Incidental learning
c. Rote learning
d. All of above

8. Mildly intellectually challenged child with the highly systematic instructional program can achieve
a. As high as a fourth or fifth grade level in reading and arithmetic
b. As high as a sixth grade level in reading and arithmetic
c. As high as a second grade level in reading and arithmetic
d. As high as a ninth or tenth grade level in reading and arithmetic

9. The Wechsler test includes all except
a. Adult intelligence scale
b. Intelligence scale for children
c. Intelligence scale for toddlers
d. Preschool and primary scale of intelligence
10. Language component that deals with sentence formation is
a. Phonology
b. Morphology
c. Syntax
d. Pragmatics

a. Define intelligence and describe its development (7)
b. Explain the affect of genetic and environmental factors on development of intelligence. (8)

a. How does the classroom environment affect behavior of the child? (8)
b. Describe how classroom environment affect students educational performance? (7)

Q.4 Describe some formal and informal reading assessment procedures. (15)

Q.5 Define the following (15)
a. Cognition
b. Memory
c. Adaptive behaviors
d. Concrete and abstract concepts
e. Attention deficit

Q. 6 Write down reactions of parents when they come to know that their child has some Disability. (15)

a. Define career education. (5)
b. Write down career and vocational assessment procedure? (10)

a. Write down approaches for behavior modification. (7)
b. Write down teaching techniques to teach adaptive skills. (8)


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