Use Cases Description of Blood Bank Project

Use Cases Description of Blood Bank Project

Here, we are showing the use cases and use case description of a blood bank project. If you want to read the case study of functional requirements and other details about the Blood Bank Project, then you can click here.

Use case 1: User Registration

Use Case ID UC1
Use Case Name Registration
Actor(s) Blood Donor, Blood Seeker, Hospitals, Blood Banks
Purpose For user registration
Pre Conditions User selected the registration form to fill
Post Conditions Information is valid. Saved in database

Invalid Information. Error message displayed

Success Scenario All provided information is valid.
User Action System Response
User fill the required fields The system will save the data in the database.

 Use case 2: Search Donors

Use Case ID UC2
Use Case Name Search Donors
Actor(s) Blood Seeker, Hospitals, Blood Banks
Purpose For search Donors
Pre Conditions A user has selected donors page.
Post Conditions If internet connection is available. Donor found successfully

If internet connection is not available. The backup screen will be displayed

Success Scenario Donors found successfully.
User Action System Response
The user has chosen Donors Page The system will show all the donors to the user.
use case diagram of blood bank management system
Figure: use case diagram of blood bank management system

Use Case 3: Search Blood banks

Use Case ID UC2
Use Case Name Search Blood banks
Actor(s) Blood Donor, Blood Seeker, Hospitals
Purpose For search Blood banks
Pre Conditions The user has selected Bloodbank page.
Post Conditions If internet connection is available. Blood bank found successfully

If internet connection is not available. The backup screen will be displayed

Success Scenario Blood bank found successfully.
User Action System Response
The user has chosen Bloodbank Page The system will show all the Bloodbank to the user.

Use Case 4: Search Hospitals

Use Case ID UC2
Use Case Name Search Hospitals
Actor(s) Blood Donor, Blood Seeker, Blood Banks
Purpose For search Hospitals
Pre Conditions A user has selected Hospital page.
Post Conditions If internet connection is available. Hospital found successfully

If internet connection is not available. The backup screen will be displayed

Success Scenario The hospital found successfully.
User Action System Response
The user has chosen Hospital Page The system will show all the Hospital to the user.

Use case 5: Make an online request

Use Case ID UC5
Use Case Name Manage Members
Actor(s) Hospital, Bloodbank, Blood Seeker
Purpose Make Request for required blood
Pre Conditions The user selects the request page
Post Conditions If Success data saved and displayed

If Failed error message will display and the backup screen will be displayed for the offline request

Success Scenario All new data is valid and saved successfully
User Action Select request page and fill the form
User fill the required fields The system will save the data in the database.

Use case 6: Online Chat

Use Case ID UC5
Use Case Name Online Chat
Actor(s) Blood Donors, Blood Seeker
Purpose Online chat in case of zero balance in order to ask for the required blood
Pre Conditions The user selects the chat page
Post Conditions If Internet Connection is available, messages will be sent and receive

If an error in Internet Connection, Conversion can’t be happening

Success Scenario Successful conversation
User Action Select chat page and start chat
The user fills the chat field and submit The system will save the messages in the database.

Use case 7: Make offline blood request

Use Case ID UC5
Use Case Name Make offline blood request
Actor(s) Hospital, Bloodbank, Blood Seeker
Purpose Make offline Blood Request in case of no internet connection
Pre Conditions No internet connection
Post Conditions If no internet connection backup screen will be displayed with the option of offline blood request
Success Scenario All new data is valid and saved successfully in SQLite
User Action Select offline request option and fill the form and refresh the application in case of internet connection
User fill the required fields The system will save the data in the database.

Use Case 8: Login

Use Case ID UC2
Use Case Name Login
Actor(s) Blood Banks
Purpose For accessing the blood bank operations
Pre Conditions User selected the blood bank module as a blood bank instead of a user.
Post Conditions If internet connection is available. Login successfully

If internet connection is not available login failed

Success Scenario View Bloodbank Operations.
User Action System Response
The user has chosen Bloodbank Page The system will show all the Operations to the user.

Use Case 9: Update Stock

Use Case ID UC2
Use Case Name Update Stock
Actor(s) Blood Banks
Purpose For updating the blood bank stock
Pre Conditions User selected the blood bank module as a blood bank instead of a user.
Post Conditions If internet connection is available. Stock updated successfully

If internet connection is not available , then updation failed

Success Scenario Updated bloodstock successfully.
User Action System Response
The user has chosen Bloodbank Page The system will update the stock successfully

Use Case 10: View Requests

Use Case ID UC2
Use Case Name View Requests
Actor(s) Blood Donor, Blood Seeker, Hospitals, Blood Banks
Purpose For View the Blood Requests
Pre Conditions The user has selected Requests page.
Post Conditions If internet connection is available. Requests found successfully

If internet connection is not available. The backup screen will be displayed

Success Scenario View Requests successfully.
User Action System Response
The user has chosen Hospital Page The system will show all the Requests to the user.

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