Stone MCQs

Stone MCQs cover the MCQs on the following topics of stones.

  1. Stone Masonry
  2. Stones Testing
  3. Properties of stones
  4. Quarrying, and Dressing of stones
  5. Sources of stones
  6. Classification of stones

____ is the apparatus that is used to test the hardness of stones.
a) Los Angeles
b) Deval’s
c) CTM
d) Dorry’s
Answer: d

___ has the hardness of 7 in the Mohr’s hardness scale.
a) Gypsum
b) Calcite
c) Quartz
d) Topaz
Answer: c

The attrition test performed ________
a) To find resistance to scratch
b) To find resistance to weathering
c) To find resistance to dressing
d) To find resistance to wear
Answer: d

_____ is the parameter which is being checked for in freezing and thawing test.
a) Weathering
b) Durability
c) Water absorption
d) Texture
Answer: b

____ is the test used to find the rate of wear of stones.
a) Attrition test
b) Abrasion test
c) Crushing test
d) Acid test
Answer: a

_______ is the solution in which the stone sample placed in an Acid test.
a) HCl of strength .5%
b) H2SO4 of strength .5%
c) H2SO4 of strength 1%
d) HCl of strength 1%
Answer: d

______ is the code that gives details regarding the tests for weathering on building stones.s
a) IS 1121 part 2
b) IS 1121 part 4
c) IS 1125
d) IS 1126
Answer: c

_____ is the size of specimen to be used for crushing test.
a) 50 × 50 × 50mm
b) 100 × 100 × 100mm
c) 45 × 45 × 45mm
d) 40 × 40 × 40mm
Answer: d

_______ is the material placed in addition to the specimen in the testing apparatus, in abrasion test.
a) Cast iron ball
b) Stone piece smaller than specimen
c) Metal piece
d) Stainless steel ball
Answer: a

____ is the apparatus that is used to test the hardness of stones.
a) Los Angeles
b) Deval’s
c) CTM
d) Dorry’s
Answer: d


The attrition test performed ________
a) To find resistance to scratch
b) To find resistance to weathering
c) To find resistance to dressing
d) To find resistance to wear
Answer: d

_____ is the parameter which is being checked for in freezing and thawing test.
a) Weathering
b) Durability
c) Water absorption
d) Texture
Answer: b

_____ is a good fire-resistant stone.
a) Clay
b) Granite
c) Quartz
d) Limestone
Answer: a

How can we define a freestone?
a) Stone free from impurities
b) Stone that doesn’t require dressing
c) Stone free from veins and planes of cleavage
d) Metamorphic stone
Answer: c

______ is the code that gives details regarding the tests for weathering on building stones.s
a) IS 1121 part 2
b) IS 1121 part 4
c) IS 1125
d) IS 1126
Answer: c

_____ is the size of specimen to be used for crushing test.
a) 50 × 50 × 50mm
b) 100 × 100 × 100mm
c) 45 × 45 × 45mm
d) 40 × 40 × 40mm
Answer: d

Which of the following has a type Granite?
a) Volcanic rock
b) Metamorphic rock
c) Hypabyssal rock
d) Plutonic rock
Answer: d

Due to ______, CaSO4 is not used in the crystallisation test.
a) Costly compound
b) Low solubility in water
c) Increases time taken for test
d) Releases toxic fumes
Answer: b

______ are the requirements for tamping rod used in impact test.
a) 16 mm steel rod with rounded end
b) 16 mm steel rod with square face
c) 16 mm copper rod with rounded end
d) 16 mm copper rod with square face
Answer: a
The reason, that the stones with lighter shades of colour preferred is ______
a) Easy to clean
b) Easily available
c) Don’t spoil the appearance
d) Darker shades are heavier
Answer: c

For construction of_____ hardness is an important parameter considered.
a) Bridges
b) Walls
c) Slabs
d) Arches
Answer: a

____ is the specific gravity for a good building stone.
a) Less than 2.7
b) Less than 3
c) Greater than 3
d) Greater than 2.7
Answer: d

_____ is a texture which a building stone should possess.
a) Crystalline structure
b) Loose grains
c) Cavities
d) Cracks
Answer: a

For stones there is a requirement for seasoning.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a

More than ____ the toughness index of a good stone should be.
a) 17
b) 19
c) 13
d) 18
Answer: b

A stone which have the percentage wear of 3% indicates a good stone.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b

______ is a hand tool used for quarrying.

a) Plier
b) Hammer
c) Quarrying wire
d) XSM
Answer: b

Select which one is the relation between the number of explosives and the line of least resistance.

a) 10% more explosive for every 1m of LLR
b) The High LLR, lower the amount of explosive
c) The High LLR, the higher the amount of explosive
d) For every 1m of LLR the 10% less explosive
Answer: c


_____ is not an explosive used for blasting.
a) Gelignite
b) Gunpowder
c) Flash powder
d) Nitrocellulose
Answer: c

To accelerate the process of rubbing in rubbed finishes dressing ____are used
a) Water
b) Water and sand
c) Clay
d) Pebbles
Answer: b

__________, the dressing of stones is carried out.
a) For making the transport of stones to site easy and economic
b) To provide employment to people
c) To reduce the water content of the stone
d) To avoid further works on the stone
Answer: a

With respect to the place of work, how many types of dressings are there?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) None
Answer: c

Generally, the circular finished stones are used for_____
a) Pillar
b) Column
c) Landscaping
d) Tombstone
Answer: b

_____are also known as quarry faced finished stones.
a) Reticulated finish
b) Hammer faced finished
c) Rock faced stones
d) Plain finish
Answer: c

As compare to gelignite, dynamite is a more effective explosive.
a) False
b) True
Answer: a

How can we define sandblasting?
a) Process of making carvings on the stone surface
b) Quarrying technique
c) Dressing type
d) A Process, in which sand is used to blast the stone surface
Answer: a

Rocks are made up of______ and stones are obtained from these rocks.
a) Ores
b) Crystals
c) Chemical compounds
d) Minerals
Answer: d

Select the one which is not the classification of stones
a) Physical Classification
b) Mineralogical Classification
c) Chemical Classification
d) Practical Classification
Answer: b

_____ is a naturally occurring hot molten material below the surface of the earth.
a) Magma
b) Slag
c) Lava
d) Tuff
Answer: a

___ is the stone used for buildings situated in industrial towns.
a) Marble slab
b) Slate
c) Gneiss
d) Compact sandstone
Answer: d
The Rubble masonry is classified into____

a) 4
b) 2
c) 6
d) 10
Answer: c

_______ disturbs the equilibrium of rocks, commencing metamorphism.
a) Increase in temperature
b) Decrease in temperature and pressure
c) Increase in temperature and pressure
d) Decrease in pressure
Answer: c

_____ is not a metamorphic change.
a) Limestone to marble
b) Calcite to schist
c) Shale to slate
d) Granite to gneisses
Answer: b

______ rocks are hard and durable.
a) Argillaceous rocks
b) Siliceous rocks
c) Calcareous rocks
d) Carbonaceous rocks
Answer: b

Face stones are____ in random rubble masonry sort I.
a) Plain dressed
b) Hammer dressed
c) Axe dressed
d) Chisel dressed
Answer: d

_____ are the flints used in flint rubble masonry.
a) Nodules of fly ash
b) Nodules of silica
c) Nodules of mica
d) Nodules of feldspar
Answer: b

___ has the hardness of 7 in the Mohr’s hardness scale.
a) Gypsum
b) Calcite
c) Quartz
d) Topaz
Answer: c

Due to ______, CaSO4 is not used in the crystallisation test.
a) Costly compound
b) Low solubility in water
c) Increases time taken for test
d) Releases toxic fumes
Answer: b

_______ is the material placed in addition to the specimen in the testing apparatus, in abrasion test.
a) Cast iron ball
b) Stone piece smaller than specimen
c) Metal piece
d) Stainless steel ball
Answer: a

The hypabyssal rock is formed at ________
a) Slow cooling of magma at considerable depth
b) At a shallow depth with quick cooling
c) Rapid cooling of magma at Earth’s surface
d) At shallow depth with rapid cooling
Answer: b

The sedimentary deposit is a_____
a) Weathered product remains at the site
b) Weathered product carried away in solution
c) weathered and insoluble product, carried away in suspension
d) Weathered product gets carried away agents
Answer: c


In the case of______ the foliated structure is very common.
a) Metamorphic rocks
b) Plutonic rocks
c) Igneous rocks
d) Sedimentary rocks
Answer: a

____ is used for masonry in arches.
a) Butt
b) Rebated
c) Table
d) Dowel
Answer: b

____ is the ratio of cement mortar used for stone masonry.
a) 1:6
b) 1:3
c) 1:8
d) 1:4
Answer: b

____ are used by Ashlar masonry.
a) Quarry dressed stones
b) Polygonal stones
c) Dimension stones
d) Square stones
Answer: c

Between the ashlar masonry and rubble masonry, _____ masonry occupies an intermediate position.

a) Rubble block in a course
b) Ashlar block in a course
c) Ashlar rubble in course
d) Rubble ashlar in course
Answer: b

Greatly skilled labors are required for laying _____
a) Coursed rubble masonry
b) Dry rubble masonry
c) Ashlar chamfered masonry
d) Ashlar fine masonry
Answer: b

____ should not be followed for stone masonry construction.
a) Wetted stones to be used
b) Properly cured for 2-3 weeks
c) Construction to be raised uniformly
d) Header stones are dumb-bell shaped
Answer: d

____ is the test used to find the rate of wear of stones.
a) Attrition test
b) Abrasion test
c) Crushing test
d) Acid test
Answer: a

_______ is the solution in which the stone sample placed in an Acid test.
a) HCl of strength .5%
b) H2SO4 of strength .5%
c) H2SO4 of strength 1%
d) HCl of strength 1%
Answer: d

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