Sovereignty, State Law, Authority & power MCQs

1. Who of the following said that strictly speaking sovereignty is an internal power, pick that up?
(a) Greek
(c) English
(e) Roman
(b) Latin
(d) French
2. Who is ancient past felt that sovereignty was the ‘fullness of the state’?
(a) Romans
(b) Greek
(d) Arabs
(b) Greek
3. Who believed that dominion extended to all individuals and links living in the state?
(c) Muslims
(e) French
(a) St. Augustine
(b) Aristotle
(c) Badin
4. Who of the following eminent between the sovereignty of the people and political sovereignty?
(d) Rousseau
(a) Plato
(c) Hobbes
(e) Rousseau
(b) Aristotle
5. Who believed that sovereignty vested in the ‘general will’?
(d) Rousseau
(a) Plato
(c) Hobbes
(e) Rousseau
(b) Aristotle
(d) Locke
6. External aspect of sovereignty was fully developed by:
(a) John Austin
(b) Grotius
(c) Bodin
(e) Plato
(d) Hobbes
7. Name of John Austin in the development of sovereignty is associated with:
(a) Internal aspect
(b) External aspect
(c) Legal theory
(d) Philosophical theory
(e) No theory
Legal theory
9. Which of the following is not an essential characteristic of sovereignty?
(a) Gretel
(c) John Coulson
(d) Liber
(b) Gilchrist
(a) Permanence
(b) Exclusiveness
(c) All comprehensiveness
(d) Wealth
(e) Indivisibility
10. Who of the following said that sovereignty is an entire thing?
(a) John Coulson
(b) Dicey
(c) Sir Henry Maine
(d) Laski.
John Coulson
11. Who said that sovereignty can no more be alienated or transferred?
(a) John Coulson
(b) Laski
(c) Liber
(d) Prince Kropotkin
12. Legal sovereignty is one which is accepted by:
(a) All the persons in and outside the state
(b) By outside people alone
(c) By international organizations alone
(d) By associations in the state only
All the persons in and outside the state
13. Political sovereign is:
(a) Recognized by national courts
(b) Recognized by international courts
(c) One which has no legal status
One which has no legal status
14. A sovereign in the state who simply heads the state is technically called:
(a) Absolute sovereign
(b) De facto sovereign
(c) Political sovereign
(d) Titular sovereign
Titular sovereign
15. John Austin who explicated his theory of sovereignty was:
(a) Hobbes
(b) Locke
(c) Grotius
(d) Rousseau
(e) John Austin
16. Jean Badin defined sovereignty as “the supreme power over citizens and subjects unrestrained by Law.” The implication of the definition, according to its author, is that:
(a) The sovereign is not bound by positive law but is subject to the higher Law
(b) The sovereign is not subject to any law including the law of God and nature
(c) The sovereign can alter the fundamental law of the land
(d) The sovereign is legally competent and morally supreme
The sovereign is not bound by positive law but is subject to the higher Law
17. Duguit criticized the Austin theory of sovereignty in the name of the:
(a) Community’s sense of right
(b) Principle of social solidarity
(c) Moral personality corporations of
(d) Theory of natural law
Principle of social solidarity
18. Political pluralism:
(a) Rejects the idea of the state
(b) Rejects the moral and legal Omni-competence of the state
(c) Rejects the view that law is not the creation of the state but is anterior and superior to it
(d) Believes in the complete autonomy of corporate groups and associations
Believes in the complete autonomy of corporate groups and associations
19. In which of the following did pluralists believe?
1. The social, economic, religious and educational associations within the state are more important than the state
2. The state has no absolute claim to the total obedience of the citizens
3. The state coordinates the activities of other associations
4. The state as an institution can be dispensed with Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1, 2&3
(b) 2&3
(c) 2&4
(d) 3&4
20. Which one of the following is an apt description of Badin’s theory of sovereignty?
(a) Absolute sovereignty
(b) Limited sovereignty
(c) Political sovereignty
(d) Popular sovereignty
Absolute sovereignty
21. Who among the following thinkers criticized the Austin theory of sovereignty on the ground that law is not the command of the sovereign but expression an of the
community’s sense of right?
(a) Laski
(b) Krabbe
(c) Duguit
(d) Gierke
22. Which of the following statements are reliable with the pluralist theory of sovereignty?
1. Although the state is also an association the possession of coercive power by the state, endows it with a superior right over other associations
2. The associations in the state areas real and as self-sufficient as the state itself
3. Law is prior to the state
4. All other associations having valuable social functions to perform are as much ‘sovereign’ as the state is for its purpose. Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1, 2&3
(b) 1, 2&4
(c) 1, 3 & 4
(d) 2, 3 & 4
1, 2&3
23. Which among the following is not a feature of sovereignty?
(a) Absoluteness
(b) Permanence
(c) Indivisibility
(d) Delegation
24. The monistic theory of sovereignty emphasizes:
(a) The moral Omni-competence of the state
(b) The de facto supremacy of the state
(c) Social unity of the state
(d) Juridical; supremacy of the state
The de facto supremacy of the state
25. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(a) Sovereignty resides in the state and is exercised by it
(b) Sovereignty resides in the state and is exercised by the government.
(c) Sovereignty resides in the government and is exercised by it
(d) Sovereignty resides in the citizens and is exercised by the government
Sovereignty resides in the state and is exercised by the government.
26. Who among the following was the chief promoter of the legal theory of sovereignty?
(a) Badin
(b) Locke
(c) Rousseau
(d) Austin
27. According to diversity the state on the whole:
(a) Is equal to all other associations
(b) Is higher because it coordinates the task of other associations
(c) Is lower than the professional and cultural associations
(d) Is not of any political and juridical significance
Is higher because it coordinates the task of other associations
28. Consider the following “If determinate human superior not in the habit of obedience to a like superior receives habitual obedience from the bulk of a given society, that society including the determinate superior is independent and political”. It is:
(a) Legal theory of sovereignty
(b) Political theory of sovereignty
(c) Popular theory of sovereignty
(d) Philosophical theory
Legal theory of sovereignty
29. The real meaning of the parliamentary authority of England is:
(a) Parliament can make any law it likes
(6) Parliament’s laws apart, no other laws are binding on the people
(c) Parliament’s laws cannot be challenged in any court of law
(d) Parliament is sovereign from legal and political points of view.
Parliament’s laws cannot be challenged in any court of law
30. The jurists distinguish a sovereign, but behind it there is another sovereign before which the legal sovereign bows. To what does the following indicate?
(a) Ceremonial sovereign ruler
(b) Real sovereign ruler
(c) Political sovereign ruler.
(d) Nominal sovereign ruler
Political sovereign ruler
31. The theory of sovereignty stresses:
(a) Moral capacity of the state
(b) Real capacity of the state
(c) Social capacity of the state
(d) Legal capacity of the state
Legal capacity of the state
32. Rousseau was the advocate of:
(a) Personal sovereignty
(b) Popular sovereignty
(c) Political sovereignty
(d) Legal sovereignty
Popular sovereignty
33. One of the following is sovereignty:
(a) All-comprehensiveness
(b) Originality
(c) Divisibility
(d) Inalienability
34. The cause of the English pluralists spell was:
(a) Legalistic form of sovereignty
(b) Political form of sovereignty
(c) Economic form of sovereignty
(d) Social form of sovereignty
Legalistic form of sovereignty
35. Consider the following:
1. According to Austin, powers of the sovereign were limited
2. According to him, there is only one sovereign in a society
3. He describes sovereign as the source of law
4. He says that law is the command of the people
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1, 2
(b) 2, 3
(c) 1, 4
(d) 1, 3
2, 3
36. The classical Marxists accept:
(a) Sovereignty is legalistic
(b) It is political one
(c) It is class one
(d) It does not exist
It does not exist
37. Which one of the following doctrines accords central role to the notion of citizenship?
(a) Totalitarianism
(b) Republicanism
(c) Hierocracy
(d) Fabians’
38. Which one of the following concepts distinguished subject hood citizenship from?
(a) Duties
(b) Obedience
(d) Patriotism
(c) Rights
39. Unlike subject hood, citizenship rests on:
(a) Rights
(c) Duties
(b) Obedience
(d) Law
40. The basis for acquiring citizenship through naturalization is:
(a) Birth
(b) Choice
(c) Coercion
(d) Descent
41. For Aristotle, a citizen is one who:
(a) Is a voter
(b) Is a law-maker
(c) A judge
(d) A legislator and a judge
A legislator and a judge
42. According to Marshall, the evolution of citizenship along with the rights was in the order:
(a) Political rights, economic rights, social rights, civil rights.
(b) Civil rights, political rights, social rights, economic rights
(c) Social rights, civil rights, economic rights, political rights
d) Economic rights, social rights, political rights, civil rights Citizenship is a relationship between:
(a) Individual arid society
(b) Individual and state
(c) Individual and nation
(d) individual and UN
Civil rights, political rights, social rights, economic rights
44. One of the following is not a correct statement:
(a) Liberals argue for the principle of citizen ship of rights
(b) Liberals argue for the principle of citizenship of duties
(c) Communitarians argue for the principle of citizenship of duties
(d) Communitarians argue for the principle of civic responsibility
Liberals argue for the principle
45. Consider the following statements about citizenship and choose the correct:
(a) Full membership of the state.
(b) Participation in the affairs of the state
(c) Payment of taxes
(d) Status of a guest
(b) 2, 3, 4
(a) 1, 3, 4
(c) 1, 2, 3
(d) 1, 2, 4
2, 3, 4
46. Aliens and citizens differ because the citizens have them and aliens do not
(a) Duties
(b) Obligations
(c) Political rights
(d) Special privileges
Political rights
47. One of the following is not required for a presidential candidate in India:
(a) One has to be a citizen of India
(b) One has to be a natural born citizen of India
(c) Must have attained at least 35 years of age
(d) Must have the qualifications necessary for a member of the Lok Sabha
One has to be a natural born citizen of India
48. Among the following thinkers stressed the productive dimension of power?
(a) Foucault
(b) Mill
(c) Marx
(d) Laswell
49. Who believed that “Irrespective of the forms of government, authority tends to be oligarchic”?
(a) Aristotle
(b) Robert Mitchels
(c) Harold Laski
(d) Max Weber
Robert Mitchels
50. The understanding of democracy as a mode of distributing power widely, thereby preventing its concentration in fewer hands, is termed as:
(a) Pluralist
(b) Federalist
(c) Participatory
(d) Representative
51. Power should only be exercised over someone against their will to prevent harm to others. Who said this?
(a) J.S. Mill
(b) T.H. Green
(c) Thomas Paine
(d) Harold J. Laski
J.S. Mill
52. Which one of the following does not confer lawfulness on the ruler’s power?
(a) Charisma
(b) Customs and traditions
(c) Wealth
(d) Reason and deliberation
53. Who among the following expressed the notion of power knowledge?
(a) Michel Foucault
(b) Roger Bacon
(c) Socrates
(d) Niccole Machiavelli
Michel Foucault
54. The following is not the ‘face’ included in the three faces of power as stated by Steven Lukes:
(a) The ability to influence the making of a decision
(b) The capacity to shape the political agenda and prevent decisions being made
(c) The capacity to control people’s thought
(d) The exercise of political power
The exercise of political power
55. One of the following only matches:
(a) Elshtain: Public Private Man
(b) Fromm: To Be or To Have
(c) Lenin: The Mind of Society
d) Pareto: What is to be Done?
Lenin: The Mind of Society
56. Who among the following theorized imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism?
(a) Lenin
(b) Marx
(c) Gramsei
(d) Mao
57. Who said, “The cleverest have the most authority?
(a) Socrates
(b) Plato
(c) Aristotle
(d) Locke
58. Consider the following statements and choose the correct code
1. 2. Authority is legitimate power is legitimate force
3. Force is legitimate power
4. Power and force yield authority.
(a) 1,2
(b) 2, 4
(c) 1, 4
(d) 1, 3
1, 2
59. Who among the following hinted at the legitimation crisis?
(a) Marcuse
(c) Fromm
(b) Habermas
(d) Derrida
60. Who described imperialism as the potential phase of capitalism?
(a) Lenin
(b) Hobson
(c) Schumpeter
(d) Kautsky
61. Consider the following statements with regard to expansionism and choose the correct code:
1. It is the export of capital
2. It is merging of the financial and industrial capital.
3. It is earning wealth for wealth’s sake
4 It is industrialization of agricultural products.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 2, 3
(c) 3, 4
(b) 1, 2
(d) 1, 4
1, 2
62. One of the following is not the specialized agency of the UN:
(a) International labor Organization
(b) World Health Organization
(c) International Court of Justice
(d) International Postal Union
International Court of Justice
63. Which among the following organs of the UN endorsed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
(a) Security Council
(b) General Assembly
(c) International Court of Justice
(d) Secretariat
General Assembly
64. One of the following is not a perpetual member of UN Security Council
(a) Republic of China
(b) Russia
(c) France
(d) United Kingdom
Republic of China
65. Ban Ki-Moon UN Secretary General was goes to which state:
(a) North Korea
(b) Vietnam
(c) South Korea
(d) Thailand
South Korea
66. One of the following is not a member of the UN:
(a) The Holy See
(b) Benin
(c) Georgia
(d) Haiti
The Holy See
67. An Agenda for Peace did not include the following:
(a) Peace-keeping efforts
(b) Peace-making efforts
(c) Peace-building efforts
(d) Peace developing efforts.
Peace developing efforts.
68. One of the following Secretary Generals of the United Nations had outlined an Agenda for Peace:
(a) Bail Ki-Moon
(b) Kofi Annan
(c) Boutros Boutros-Ghali
(d) U. Thant
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
69. The Rio Earth Summit was held in the year:
(a) 1990 (b) 1991
(c) 1992
(d) 1993
70. The United Nation Millennium Declaration (2000) did not include:
(a) Promotion of gender equality
(b) Eradication of poverty
(c) Combating conflicts
(d) Environmental sustainability
Combating conflicts
71. The United “Nations (UN) Human Rights Commission has been replaced by the:
(a) UN Human Rights Agency
(b) UN Human Rights Committee
(c) UN Human Rights Council
(d) UN Human Rights Secretariat
UN Human Rights Council