Solved MCQs For Law Torts

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: March 3, 2022

Solved MCQs For Law Torts

1. Which one of the following interests are not protected by the law of tort?

A. Peaceful enjoyment of one’s land
B. Reputation
C. Loss of commercial profit due to competition
D. Physical safety

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2. What the Injuries Board is…

A. a body that advises the court
B. a type of court that calls witnesses.
C. a no-fault compensation body
D. a body that assesses personal injury claims

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3. What is meant by the term ‘actionable per se’?

A. Actionable without proof of damage
B. Actionable at the instance of the injured party only
C. Actionable only in the civil courts
D. A tort of strict liability

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3. Law of the contract is different from the law of tort in which way…?

A. It is actionable in both the civil and criminal courts
B. Tort is made up predominantly of statute law
C. Contracts are always written
D. It generally concerns a relationship between two parties only

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4. Which one is the primary function of the law of tort..?

A. Compensating the claimant
B. The spreading of losses throughout society
C. The punishment of a wrongdoer
D. The clarification of the human rights of parties

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5. Which the Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights protects which right…?

A. The right not to be subjected to torture
B. The right to respect for private and family life
C. The right to freedom of religion
D. The right to freedom of expression

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6. What are the remedies provided by the Human Rights Act 1998 are intended to regulate the activities of whom…

A. Business with European connections
B. Judges and Members of Parliament only
C. Public authorities
D. Individuals

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7. Which one of the following groups are required by law to be insured?

A. Employers
B. Parents of children
C. Homeowners
D. All public authorities
E. None of these

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8. Which of the following is not an objective of the law of tort?

A. Compensation
B. Corrective justice
C. Deterrence
D. Imposition of moral blame

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9. Which of the following is the main alternative to tort, for the provision of compensation…

A. First party insurance
B. Criminal Injuries Compensation
C. State social security
D. Charity

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10. What is the Compensation Act 2006 s 1 has what purpose…

A. To restrict the growth of the ‘compensation culture’
B. To encourage more responsible conduct from doctors and other professionals
C. To deter claimants from bringing unnecessary legal actions
D. To set out clearly what is meant by a duty of care in negligence

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11. The following is not a tort described as ‘trespass to the person…

A. Battery
B. False imprisonment
C. Public nuisance
D. Assault

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12. Which of the following is not a defense to trespass to the person?

A. Lawful authority
B. Contributory negligence
C. Self-defense
D. Necessity

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