Renewable Energy Systems Multiple choice questions answers

Renewable Energy Systems Multiple choice questions answers

1. What is the process that converts solid coal into liquid hydrocarbon fuel?

a) combustion

b) carbonation

c) hydrogenation

d) liquification

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2. A boiling water reactor and pressurized water reactor is named as …

a) biogas reactor

b) solar reactor

c) nuclear reactor

d) none of these

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3. Which of the following type is stored in latent heat?

a) mechanical energy

b) thermal energy

c) chemical energy

d) all of these

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4. Among all of these which can be used as a biofuel?

a) pongamia

b) jatropha

c) bagasse

d) all of these

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5. How we can measure beam radiations?

a) volta  meter

b) ohm meter

c) ammeter

d) anemometer

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6. What is the complement of zenith angle?

a) slope altitude angle

b) surface altitude angle

c) solar altitude angle

d) none of these

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7. We measure heat content  in …

a) ATU

b) BTU

c) CTU

d) DTU

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8. Which one is the outer most layer of the earth?

a) crust

b) mantle

c) magma

d none of these

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9. Which instrument is used for measuring direct and diffused radiations?

a) ammeter

b) syrometer

c) pyrometer

d) volta meter

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10. The main disadvantage of renewable energy ?

a) pollution

b) uneconomical

c) unreliable suply

d) high cost

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11. Which of the following is the main component of biogas?

a) tutane

b) methane

c) butane

d) pentane

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12. Which of the following theory is about non-renewable resources?

a) big bang theory

b) hotelling’s theory

c) game theory

d) none of these

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