Public International Law Past Papers 

Paper# 1

Subject: Public International Law

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Max Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.


Q#1. What are the principle sources of international law? Give your answer with respect to Article. 38 of the Statute of International Court of Justice.


  1. i) The Role of International law before Municipal Courts
  2. ii) Position of Municipal Law within the International sphere

Q#3. What are the elements of Statehood? Describe various kinds of States.

Q#4. What is meant by subject of international law? Describe various subjects of international law.

Q#5. Write a detailed note on following aspects of recognition of State

  1. a) De facto recognition
  2. b) De jure recognition

Q#6. Write a detailed note on self-determination.

Q#7. Explain in detail the rules of “State Succession”.

Q#8. Explain in detail the various privileges and immunities enjoyed by Diplomatic envoy.

Q#9. Discuss in detail the rote of international Courts of Justice in judicial settlement of International disputes.

Q#10. Write a note on the following;

  1. I) Extradition
  2. II) Piracy






Paper# 2

Subject: Public International Law

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Max Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.


Q#1. Explain the theories of national and international law

  1. I) Transformation
  2. ii) Incorporation

Q#2. Discuss the role of UNO in the International disputes.

Q#3. Critically examine the powers of the Security Council of the United Nations with regard to the maintenance of International peace and security

Q#4. Discuss the following theories of recognition;

  1. I) Declaratory theory
  2. II) Constitutive theory

Q#5. Define International Law and explain whether it is a proper law?

Q#6. Explain treaty as a source of law.

Q#7. Write short notes on the following

  1. I) Territorial waters
  2. II) Pirates

Q#8. According to Montivedeo Convention, State as an international legal person should possess the following qualifications, discuss

  1. I) Permanent population
  2. II) Defined territory

III) Government

  1. IV) Capacity to enter into legal relations with other States

Q#9. Discuss the following as a subject of International law;

  1. I) State II) Individuals

Q#10. Elaborate peaceful methods of settlement of International disputes.

Paper# 3

Subject: Public International Law

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Max Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.


Q#1. Explain the relationship of National Law and international law by discussing the theories of Monoism and Dualism.

Q#2. Explain Custom as a source of law under Article 38. Of the Statute of IC.

Q#3. What is Nationality? How it is acquired and lost?

Q#4. Discuss the following theories of recognition;

  1. i) Declaratory theory
  2. ii) Constitutive theory

Q#5. What is meant by subjects of international law? Describe various subjects of International law.

Q#6. While discussing the law on State ‘Responsibility’ explain the following;

  1. i) Risk theory and fault theory
  2. ii) Nationality of claim

iii) Exhaustion of focal remedies principles

Q#7. What are the elements of Statehood? Also describe various kinds of State.

Q#8. There are several recognized methods of which State may give title to a piece of territory. Discuss the following concepts of acquisition of sovereignty over territory;

  1. i) Cession and treaty
  2. ii) Conquest ( use of force)

iii) Self-determination.

Q#9. Elaborate the coercive measures regarding dispute settlement.

Q#10. Write a detailed note on;

  1. i) Extradition
  2. ii) Piracy