Greater than or equal to >= Operator Overloading C++

Greater than or equal to >= Operator Overloading in C++ and Object Oriented Programming (OOP).

Greater than or equal Operator Overloading in C++

C++ Program to overload the Greater than or equal to >= operator

In this program we try to overload the Greater than or equal to >= operator with C++.


Please Enter Any number. 6

Please enter 2nd number. 5

Value of object1 is greater than Value of object2 or Value of object1 is equal to Value of object2.

Video Lecture


  • Greater than or equal to operator overloading in c++ example.
  • Greater than or equal to operator overloading.
  • >= operator overloading in c++ example.
  • Relational operator overloading in c++ with programs.
  • Overload comparison operator c++.
  • Overloading stream insertion (<>) operators in C++.