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General Virology Past Papers Exam Questions

Guess Paper 1: General Virology Fall – 2020 Past Papers

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q1 (a): Mark the following statements either as True or False.
a. Interferon are a group of signaling proteins. (True / False)
b. Pox virus belongs to family Reoviradae. (True / False)
c. HIV infection leads to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. (True / False)
d. Interferon activate immune cells. (True / False)
e. HIV is same in structure to other retroviruses. (True / False)
f. Oncogene is a gene that has potential to cause cancer.(True / False)
g. A proto oncogene is a normal gene that can become oncogene due to mutations. (True / False)
h. HIV is a double stranded DNA virus. (True / False)
i. Viral RNA is transcribed into DNA copy by an enzyme nuclease.(True / False)
j. Herpes virus belongs to family herpesviridae .(True / False)
(b): Choose the correct option.
i. How many genera of pox viradae infect humans
a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 8
ii. HIV is smaller than red blood cells
a. 60 times b. 80 times c. 90 times d. 50 times
iii. Without treatment average survival time after infection with HIV is estimated to be
a. 9-11 years b. 10-12 years c. 13-14years d. 2-4 years
iv. In HIV gp 120 initially interact with
a. CD4 b. CD8 c. CCR5 d. none
Q2: Explain generalized and localized infection.

Q3: What is Bacteriophage? Explain Provirus and its infection.

Q4: Explain HIV replication cycle.

Q5: Explain Prions and the infections they cause in humans.

Q6: What is interferon? What do you know about interferon therapy?

Q7: Explain various types of electron microscopy

Q8: Write note on following
(a) Viral Diagnostic procedure
(b) Cell Culture

Guess Paper 2: General Virology Spring – 2020 Past Papers

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q1: Mark the following statements either as True or False. (10 Marks)

i. Interferon are a group of signaling proteins. (True / False)
ii. Pox virus belongs to family reoviradae. (True / False)
iii. Hiv infection leads to high level of CD4 cells. (True / False)
iv. Interferon activate immune cells. (True / False)
v. HIV is same in structure to other retroviruses. (True / False)
vi. Oncogene is a gene that has potential to cause cancer. (True / False)
vii. A proto oncogene is a normal gene that can become oncogene due to mutations. (True / False)
viii. Hiv is a double stranded Dna virus. (True / False)
ix. Viral RNA is trancribed into DNA copy by an enzyme nuclease. (True / False)
x. Herpes virus belongs to family herpesviridae. (True / False)

All questions carry equal marks. (15 Marks)

Q2: Write the principles of viral diagnostic procedure?

Q3: Discuss in detail prion and viroids?

Q4: Explain cell culture and types of cell line?

Q5: Give a detail note on Viral replication?

Q6: Explain cross phylogenetic transfer?

Q7: Principle of electron microscopy?

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