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Fine Arts MCQs Solved MCQs for Lecturer Jobs Test

“Fine Arts MCQs Solved MCQs for Lecturer Jobs Test”  is the set of frequently asked Multiple Choice questions and these MCQs are asked in different test in the past in different test. Here, we are presenting those MCQs in a different style. Let’s begin with Set 1.

Set 1: Fine Arts MCQs – FAQ in GRE Test

1. When lines meet to form an enclosed area this is formed which of the following.

B. Space

C. Shape

D. Form

E.All of these
F.None of these

2. This refers to the way something feels or looks as if they might feel like something.


B. Space

E.All of these
F.None of these

3. Which of the following is an empty place or surface in or around a work of art? It can be two-dimensional, three-dimensional, negative and/or positive.


B. Color

C. Value
D. Space

E.All of these
F.None of these

4. Select the most basic element of the art that is used to form a different kind of art. It is the path of a dot through space. W



C Line

D. Value
E.All of these
F.None of these


5. ………………..  are three-dimensional having height, width, and thickness. 

A. Color

B. Shape

C. Form

E.All of these
F.None of these

6. This is the lightness or darkness of a color.

A. Value

B. Texture
C. Color

E.All of these
F.None of these

7. This is what we see as light waves are absorbed or reflected by everything around us.

A. Line

B. Space

C. Value

D. Color

E.All of these
F.None of these

Set 2: Fine Arts MCQs – FAQ in Jobs Test

8. A heart is an example of what type of balance.
A. symmetric
B. uneven
C. radial
d. Asymmetric
E.All of these
F.None of these

9. OP Art is an art styler based on
A. tricking the eye
b. optically illusion
C. both A and B
d. Nature
E.All of these
F.None of these

10. The point on the horizon line where parallel line appear to vanish
A. linear perspective
B. vanishing point
C. proportion
D. total range
E.All of these
F.None of these

11. Adding black to a color to make it darker creates.which of the following is a true statement
A. tint
B. Secondary color
C. shade
E.All of these
F.None of these

12. The principle of art that repeat shapes line and color is called
A. unity
b. proportion
d. pattern
E.All of these
F.None of these

13. the color whee that is located across for each other on are called
A. correlated
B. secondary
C. complementary
D. sedimentary
E.All of these
F.None of these

14. The way to do an art critique is to
A. Talk to the artist
B. Describe, analyze, interpret, Evaluate.
C. Decide if it’s good
D. Write an artist statement
E.All of these
F.None of these

15. which of the following are the covered under the mural paintings?
a. Whole canvas
b. Whole wall
c. Whole ceiling
d. Whole room
E.All of these
F.None of these

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