Environmental Education Past Papers


Subject: Environmental Education

Time Allowed: 15 Min

Total Marks: 10

NOTE: ATTEMPT THIS PAPER ON THIS QUESTION SHEET ONLY. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I Encircle the correct option, each question carries equal marks. (10)

1. Conservation is sometimes used synonymously with _______________.
a) Nature studies
b) Protection
¢) Environmental education d) none of the above
2. The pollutants produced through reaction between primary pollutants and normal atmospheric compounds are called as
a) primary pollutants
b) secondary pollutants
c) tertiary pollutants
d) none
3. Making something unfit for a particular use through the introduction of undesirable material is Known as _________.
a) contamination
b) toxicology
c) carcinogen
d) none of the above
4. The content of heavy metals in our bodies is known as
a) body burden
b) heavy body
c) body infection d) body injury
5. Infant deaths per thousand live births are
a) infant mortility
b) infant death rate
c) Crude birth and death rate
d) infant doubling time
6. Thal, cholistan and thar fall under
a) Forest ecosystem
b) Aqyatic ecosystem
c) Desert ecosystem
d) All of the above
7. A national teach-in about environmental problems ____________ paved the way for the modern environmental education movement the first Earth Day on
a) April 22, 1970
b) April 22, 1980
c) April 22, 1990
d) April 22, 2000
8. There is gross inequilities between health, wealth and quality Of …..-
a) food
b) life
c) shelter
d) dress
9. Fishes are the _____________ food
a) Aqua marine
b) terrestrial food
c) Both of these
d) None of these
10. The first population era was __________.
a) machine
b) Mechanical
c) Hunters and gatherers
d) none


Subject: Environmental Education

Time Allowed: 2 Hour 45 Min

Total Marks: 50



Part-II Give short answers, each question carries equal marks. (20)

Q#1: Name the 1st book written on environmental issues mentioning the adverse effects off DDT, due to this book DDT was banned all over the world?

Q#2: Define the concept of recycling resource?

Q#3: What is smog, also write down any two of its hazards?

Q#4: Write down elements of environment?

Q#5: What is the concept of body burden of chemicals in human body?


Part-III Give detailed answers, each question carries equal marks. (30)

Q#1: Describe polar amplification, explain in detail that how climate change is an international issue and what can be done to resolve this issue through environmental education?

Q#2: What are water crises and their relationship with the sustainable development of a country? Also discuss the importance of dams for the development of country?

Q#3: Write down a Comprehensive Note on “What is Human Exposure to different types of pollution and how it can be solved”.