Environmental Microbiology Past Papers


Subject: Environmental Microbiology

Time Allowed: 15 Min

Total Marks: 10

NOTE: ATTEMPT THIS PAPER ON THIS QUESTION SHEET ONLY. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I Encircle the correct option, each question carries equal marks. (10)

1. The region where the soil and root make contact is designated as
A. Rhizosphere
B. Lithosphere
C, Hydrosphere
D. Xerosphere
E. None of these
2. Study of flora and conditions for the life in lakes, ponds and stream
A. Limnology
B. Marine biology
C. Littorology
D. None of the above
3. Microorganisms also help in production of food like
A. bread
B. fruits and seeds
C. vegetables
D. pulses
4. The concept of putting microbes to help clean up the environment is called
A. Pasteurization
B. Bioremediation
C. Fermentation
D. biolistics
5. The nonsymbiotic bacteria which fix nitrogen live in the soil independently are
A. Azotobacter
B. Clostridium
C. considerably less important in comparison to the symbiotic bacteria
D. all of the above
6. The population of algae in soil is that _________ of either bacteria or fungi.
A. generally smaller than
B. generally greater than
C. equal to
D. none of these
7. Most spoilage bacteria grow at
A. acidic pH
B. alkaline pH
C. neutral pH
D. any of the pH
8. The surface waters are susceptible to contamination with microorganisms from ____________
A. the air
B. the surface runoff
C. precipitation
D. atmospheric water and the surface runoff
9. The principal microorganism for yogurt is __________
A. Streptococcus thermophiles
B. Leuconostoccitrovorum
C. Lactobacillus acidophilus
D. Streptococcus lactis.
10. The use of microbes to break down synthetic waste products such as polychlorinated biphenyls is called
A. Bioinformatics
B. Biolistics
C. Biotechnology
D. bioremediation


Subject: Environmental Microbiology

Time Allowed: 2 Hour 45 Min

Total Marks: 50



Part-II Give short answers, each question carries equal marks. (20)

Q#1: What is meant by mineralization? Give an example

Q#2: Name several genera of bacteria that are non-symbiotic nitrogen fixer.

Q#3: How to collect sample to study microbes present in air.

Q#4: What is meant by the term upwelling and gyre?

Q#5: Write about competitive strategies of microorganism

Q#6: Blooms in lakes usually occur in the spring and fall. Why

Q#7: How can one distinguish among members of the coliforms?

Q#8: What are the attractive features of food preservation through use of radiation?

Q#9: Write briefly about fundamentals of microbial ecology.

Q#10: What information does the phosphatase test reveal about milk?


Part-III Give detailed answers, each question carries equal marks. (30)

Q#1: Outline the process of wastewater treatment which is followed in most large cities. Which steps in the process depend upon microbial activity for successful performance? Explain

Q#2: Outline a procedure suitable for microbiological examination of foods

Q#3: Write a comprehensive note on nature of microbial communities.