Community Interventions in Reproductive Health Past Papers important Exam Questions

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Community Interventions in Reproductive Health Past Papers and important Exam Questions

Past Paper 1

Time Allowed: 3 hours


Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1 Define followings:- (14)
1. Vital index
2. Momentum of population
3. Reproductive health
4. Maternal mortality ratio (MMR)
5. Target couples
6. Growth chart
7. Population doubling time

Q.2 a. Classify various contraceptive methods. (7)
b. What is mode of action, contraindications and complications of oral
contraceptive pills? (7)

Q.3 a. Give history of EPI in Pakistan. (5)
b. Pen down in a tabular form, Pakistan EPI schedule.(Name, at what age is given, dose & rout of
administration) (9)

Q.4 a. What is IMCI program of Pakistan? (7)
b. Discuss objectives and components of this program. (7)

Q.5 a. How malnutrition in lactating women is dangerous? (5)
b. Give diet plan of a lactating mother. (9)

Q.6 Define safe motherhood. Explain safe motherhood in detail. (14)

Q.7 Write note on:-
a, Causes of delayed breastfeeding. (7)
b. Health and demographic indicators of Pakistan. (7)

Q.8 Write note on:-
a. GOBI – FFF. (4)
b. Advantages of breast feeding. (6)
c. Health services for children. (4)

Community Interventions in Reproductive Health Past Papers and important Exam Questions

Past Paper 2

Time Allowed: 3 hours


Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1 Pen down ONLY the right answer on your answer sheet. (10)

1. The road to health chart has two reference curves of
a. 3rd percentile for boys and 90th percentile for girls
b. 40th percentile for boys and 5th percentile for girls
c. 50th percentile for boys and 3rd percentile for girls
d. 80th percentile for boys and 3rd percentile for girls
e. 90th percentile for boys and 3rd percentile for girls
2. Highest unmet need for family planning in women below 25 years of age is for:
a. abortion b. delay the first pregnancy c. limit the births
d. spacing the births e. treatment of complication of contraceptive methods
3. Failure rate of IUCD per 1000 insertions is
a. 1 to 2 b. 3 to 5 c. 6 to 8 d. 9 to 10 e. < 1
4. Best single parameter for assessing physical growth of a child is
a. head circumference b. height for age c. mid upper arm circumference
d. weight for age e. weight for height
5. Shakers tape has three colours. The length of green part is
a. 10.5 cm b. 11.5 cm c. 12.5 cm d. 13.5 cm e. Non of above
6. A lady forgets to take oral contraceptive pill yesterday. She should
a. immediately consult doctor for IUCD b. stop taking pills till coming menses
c. take one pill of the day d. take two pills today e. take three pills today
7. Consanguinity means
a. marriage between first cousins b. marriage outside the family
c. to have more than two wives d. to have two wives e. to remain unmarried
8. Colostrums is rich in
a. calcium b. iron c. vitamin A b. vitamin B c. vitamin D
9. Global breast feeding week is celebrated from
a. 1st to 7th Jan b. 1st to 7th Mar c. 1st to 7th May
d. 1st to 7th Aug e. 1st to 7th Oct
10. Eligible couples are
a. all married persons who need family planning services
b. all married women of 20 – 40 years of age
c. all male and female of reproductive age group
d. couples with wives aged between 15 – 44 years who need family planning services
e. couples with wives aged between 13 – 44 years who need family planning services

Q.2 According to latest report by UNICEF, Pakistan is number one in perinatal mortality in the world. Discuss various reasons, consequences and preventive measures of perinatal mortality. (15)

Q.3 Reproductive health is not only confined to adults. Reproductive health education can be effectively used in school going children. In this connection plan a school health program encompassing all important points. (15)

Q.4 Discuss various factors in detail, influencing family planning in a rural community in Pakistan. How these factors can be overcome? (15)

Q.5 a. How malnutrition in children is dangerous? (5)
b. How you will make a plane to educate rural women to overcome malnutrition? (10)

Q.6 Define infertility. Discuss various determinants and consequences of infertility. How infertility can be effectively handled? (15)

Q.7 Write note on:-
a, 2nd generation IUCDs. (7)
b. UNFPA. (8)

Q.8 Write note on:-
a. IMNCI (7)
b. Mother baby package (8)

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