C Sharp Multiple Choice Questions
1: Which of the following box given a set of choices to the user
a) Command
b) list
c) Text
d) combo
2: Which of the following include in primary programming languages…
a) Java
b) Visual Basic
c) Ada
d) Basic
3: Which is true in the option that Destructors do not receive values and do not…
a) receive parameter
b) initialized
c) compiled
d) all of these
4: —— is casing to Passing arguments to a destructor, or specifying return type to destructor…
a) syntax error
b) Logical error
c) fatal error
d) run time error
5: Which option is true that defines with the sign [ ]…
a) Subscript operator
b) Relational operator
c) logical operators
d) None of these
6: Select the true option, prefix and postfix have other forms is…
a) increment
b) decrement
c) both a and b
d) none of these
7: Which statements are true, IDE is…
a) integrated development environment
b) integrated dual enviroment
c) internet development enviroment
d) integrated desktop enviroment
8: Which of the following is true that access specifier allows a class to expose its member variables and member functions to other functions and objects?
a) private
b) public
c) internal
d) protected
9: Getset method used to retrieve the stored text from…
a) screen
b) clipboard
c) printer
d) input
10: Which symbol create an access key …
a) &
b) #
c) @
d) $
11: Which of the following method is used to forcibly set to CPU…
a) lostfocus
b) setfocus
c) gotfocus
d) none of these