Bio MCQs from Past papers
Bio MCQs from Past papers
1. ___________ is an inflammatory disease that damage joints:
A. Hepatitis
B. Meningitis
C. Arthritis
D. Anthrax
2. Monosaccharide subunits contain a covalent bond called:
A. Glycosidic bond
B. Ionic bond
C. Phosphodiester bond
D. Peptide bond
3. Humerous forms hinge joint with _________ at distal end:
A. Tibia
B. Radius
C. Ulna
D. Both B & C
4. ________ gives blue colour with iodine:
A. Cellulose
B. Polysaccharide
C. Starch
D. Glycogen
5. The relationship in which joint muscles work against each other by contraction is:
A. Aggressive arrangement
B. Opposed arrangement
C. Hostile arrangement
D. Antagonistic arrangement
6. Which is known as an animal starch?
A. Cellulose
B. Starch
C. Glycogen
D. None of these
7. The femur forms knee joint with the proximal end of two parallel bones at the distal end called:
A. Carpals & metacarpals
B. Tarsal & metatarsal
C. Tibia & fibula
D. Radius & ulna
8. A perfect example of a pure form of cellulose is:
A. Cotton
B. Paper
C. Silk
D. Wool
9. Internal causes lead to spontaneous movements called:
A. Tactic
B. Taxis
C. Paratonic
D. Autonomic
10. What can easily solute lipids in itself?
A. All solvents
B. Water
C. Ether
D. None of these
11. __________ become adapted for bipedal locomotion freed the front appendages:
A. Flight
B. Prey capture
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
12. High number of __________ lead lipid molecules store double amount of energy:
A. C-N bonds
B. C-O bonds
C. C-C bonds
D. C-H bonds