Abdominal radiology MCQs Radiology

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 14, 2024

1. What is the primary imaging modality used to assess abdominal organ size and structure?
B) Ultrasound
C) PET scan
D) X-ray

Answer: B) Ultrasound

2. Which imaging technique is most effective for visualizing calcifications in the abdominal organs?
A) CT scan
C) Ultrasound
D) X-ray

Answer: A) CT scan

3. What does the “coffee bean sign” indicate on an abdominal X-ray?
A) Sigmoid volvulus
B) Intestinal obstruction
C) Appendicitis
D) Bowel perforation

Answer: A) Sigmoid volvulus

4. Which sign on an abdominal X-ray suggests free air under the diaphragm?
A) Air fluid level
B) Double bubble
C) Ground-glass opacities
D) Meniscus sign

Answer: A) Air fluid level

5. What is the primary use of an abdominal ultrasound in emergency medicine?
A) Assessing for free fluid or hemorrhage
B) Evaluating bone fractures
C) Diagnosing pulmonary embolism
D) Monitoring heart function

Answer: A) Assessing for free fluid or hemorrhage

6. On a CT scan, what does a “target sign” often represent?
A) Intussusception
B) Bowel obstruction
C) Appendicitis
D) Liver abscess

Answer: A) Intussusception

7. What is the classic radiographic appearance of a bowel obstruction on an X-ray?
A) Dilation of bowel loops with air-fluid levels
B) Uniform density of bowel loops
C) Blurred liver margins
D) Calcifications in the liver

Answer: A) Dilation of bowel loops with air-fluid levels

8. Which imaging modality is preferred for evaluating liver lesions?
A) X-ray
B) CT scan or MRI
C) Ultrasound
D) PET scan

Answer: B) CT scan or MRI

9. What does a “string sign” on an abdominal X-ray typically suggest?
A) Crohn’s disease
B) Appendicitis
C) Diverticulitis
D) Pancreatitis

Answer: A) Crohn’s disease

10. What is the main advantage of using MRI for abdominal imaging?
A) Superior soft tissue contrast
B) Faster imaging
C) Lower cost
D) Better bone detail

Answer: A) Superior soft tissue contrast

11. Which imaging feature is characteristic of a gallbladder with cholelithiasis?
A) Hyperechoic stones with acoustic shadowing on ultrasound
B) Uniform opacity on X-ray
C) Calcified rim on CT scan
D) Fluid-filled sac on MRI

Answer: A) Hyperechoic stones with acoustic shadowing on ultrasound

12. What does the “swiss cheese” appearance on a CT scan of the abdomen often indicate?
A) Pancreatic pseudocyst
B) Liver cirrhosis
C) Renal cysts
D) Bowel obstruction

Answer: A) Pancreatic pseudocyst

13. What is the radiographic appearance of a normal spleen on X-ray?
A) Not usually visible
B) Uniform density with sharp borders
C) Increased opacity compared to liver
D) Air-filled shadow

Answer: A) Not usually visible

14. What does the “shifting dullness” sign on an abdominal ultrasound indicate?
A) Ascites
B) Gallbladder inflammation
C) Bowel obstruction
D) Liver mass

Answer: A) Ascites

15. Which imaging finding is most suggestive of an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)?
A) Pulsatile mass on ultrasound
B) Hyperdense liver on CT
C) Air-fluid level in bowel
D) Fluid collection in pelvis

Answer: A) Pulsatile mass on ultrasound

16. What imaging feature is characteristic of acute appendicitis on CT?
A) Enlarged appendix with surrounding fat stranding
B) Dilated bowel loops
C) Air-fluid levels in the stomach
D) Calcified liver lesions

Answer: A) Enlarged appendix with surrounding fat stranding

17. How does an MRI help in evaluating abdominal organs?
A) Provides detailed soft tissue imaging
B) Enhances bone imaging
C) Reveals calcifications
D) Shows air-fluid levels

Answer: A) Provides detailed soft tissue imaging

18. What is the radiographic appearance of a liver hemangioma on a CT scan?
A) Well-defined, hypervascular lesion with peripheral nodular enhancement
B) Solid mass with uniform density
C) Fluid-filled cyst
D) Calcified lesion

Answer: A) Well-defined, hypervascular lesion with peripheral nodular enhancement

19. Which imaging modality is best for assessing the liver for tumors or masses?
A) X-ray
B) CT scan
C) PET scan
D) Ultrasound

Answer: B) CT scan

20. What does the presence of “free air” on an abdominal X-ray suggest?
A) Perforation of a hollow organ
B) Liver cirrhosis
C) Bowel obstruction
D) Ascites

Answer: A) Perforation of a hollow organ

21. What is the characteristic appearance of renal stones on a non-contrast CT scan?
A) Hyperdense, well-defined opacity
B) Hypoechoic regions
C) Air-fluid levels
D) Soft tissue mass

Answer: A) Hyperdense, well-defined opacity

22. How is bowel perforation typically identified on an abdominal CT scan?
A) Presence of free air in the peritoneal cavity
B) Enlarged bowel loops
C) Fluid collection in the pelvis
D) Calcified bowel segments

Answer: A) Presence of free air in the peritoneal cavity

23. What does the “double bubble sign” on an abdominal X-ray suggest?
A) Duodenal atresia
B) Bowel obstruction
C) Gallbladder disease
D) Ascites

Answer: A) Duodenal atresia

24. What is the primary indication for using contrast in abdominal CT imaging?
A) To enhance visualization of blood vessels and organs
B) To reduce radiation dose
C) To evaluate bone structures
D) To measure organ size

Answer: A) To enhance visualization of blood vessels and organs

25. Which imaging feature is suggestive of diverticulitis on a CT scan?
A) Thickened colonic wall with surrounding fat stranding
B) Air-fluid levels
C) Enlarged liver
D) Calcified renal cysts

Answer: A) Thickened colonic wall with surrounding fat stranding

26. What does the “free fluid” sign on an abdominal ultrasound usually indicate?
A) Presence of ascites
B) Bowel obstruction
C) Liver mass
D) Gallbladder stone

Answer: A) Presence of ascites

27. Which imaging modality is used to diagnose and monitor pancreatitis?
A) X-ray
B) CT scan
C) PET scan

Answer: B) CT scan

28. What does the “ground-glass opacity” on an abdominal CT scan typically represent?
A) Infiltrative disease
B) Bowel obstruction
C) Renal cyst
D) Air-fluid level

Answer: A) Infiltrative disease

29. What imaging feature is often seen in an abdominal CT scan of a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma?
A) Hypervascular mass with enhancement
B) Fluid-filled cyst
C) Calcified lesion
D) Uniform liver opacity

Answer: A) Hypervascular mass with enhancement

30. What is the purpose of using an oral contrast agent in abdominal CT imaging?
A) To visualize the gastrointestinal tract
B) To enhance bone imaging
C) To reduce radiation exposure
D) To assess soft tissue density

Answer: A) To visualize the gastrointestinal tract

31. What does the “target sign” on an abdominal ultrasound usually indicate?
A) Intussusception
B) Ascites
C) Liver cirrhosis
D) Pancreatic cyst

Answer: A) Intussusception

32. Which imaging modality is best for evaluating the appendix in suspected appendicitis?
A) X-ray
B) CT scan
C) Ultrasound

Answer: B) CT scan

33. What is the characteristic appearance of a normal liver on an abdominal ultrasound?
A) Homogeneous echogenicity
B) Hypoechoic areas
C) Hyperdense masses
D) Fluid-filled cysts

Answer: A) Homogeneous echogenicity

34. What does the “halo sign” on an abdominal CT scan indicate?
A) Lymphoma or metastasis
B) Bowel obstruction
C) Hepatomegaly
D) Pancreatitis

Answer: A) Lymphoma or metastasis

35. What is the typical radiographic feature of a large hernia on an abdominal X-ray?
A) Displacement of bowel loops
B) Uniform density
C) Air-fluid levels
D) Calcified mass

Answer: A) Displacement of bowel loops

36. What imaging feature is characteristic of a liver abscess on an ultrasound?
A) Hypoechoic lesion with possible internal echoes
B) Hyperdense mass
C) Fluid-filled sac with calcifications
D) Increased echogenicity

Answer: A) Hypoechoic lesion with possible internal echoes

37. What is the primary benefit of using MRI for evaluating abdominal pathology?
A) Excellent soft tissue resolution
B) Lower cost
C) Faster imaging
D) Enhanced bone detail

Answer: A) Excellent soft tissue resolution

38. What does the “biliary tree dilation” on an abdominal ultrasound typically indicate?
A) Obstructive jaundice or choledocholithiasis
B) Liver cirrhosis
C) Pancreatic cyst
D) Renal stones

Answer: A) Obstructive jaundice or choledocholithiasis

39. Which imaging modality is most useful for identifying small bowel Crohn’s disease?
A) X-ray
B) Ultrasound
C) PET scan
D) CT enterography

Answer: D) CT enterography

40. What does the “perforated viscus” sign on an abdominal X-ray indicate?
A) Presence of free air in the peritoneal cavity
B) Enlarged spleen
C) Fluid-filled stomach
D) Calcified renal mass

Answer: A) Presence of free air in the peritoneal cavity

41. What is the characteristic appearance of acute cholecystitis on an abdominal ultrasound?
A) Thickened gallbladder wall with pericholecystic fluid
B) Enlarged liver
C) Fluid-filled cyst
D) Hypervascular mass

Answer: A) Thickened gallbladder wall with pericholecystic fluid

42. How is appendicitis typically identified on an abdominal ultrasound?
A) Enlarged, non-compressible appendix with increased blood flow
B) Fluid-filled cyst
C) Calcified lesion
D) Air-fluid level

Answer: A) Enlarged, non-compressible appendix with increased blood flow

43. What is the typical appearance of a kidney stone on an abdominal X-ray?
A) Hyperdense opacity
B) Hypoechoic area
C) Fluid-filled cyst
D) Blurred organ margins

Answer: A) Hyperdense opacity

44. What does the “string of pearls” sign on an abdominal X-ray suggest?
A) Small bowel obstruction
B) Liver cirrhosis
C) Renal cysts
D) Pancreatic pseudocyst

Answer: A) Small bowel obstruction

45. What imaging feature is indicative of a malignant liver tumor?
A) Irregular margins with heterogeneous enhancement
B) Smooth, well-defined mass
C) Homogeneous echogenicity
D) Calcified lesion

Answer: A) Irregular margins with heterogeneous enhancement

46. What does the “dilated bowel loops” sign on an abdominal X-ray usually indicate?
A) Bowel obstruction
B) Liver disease
C) Renal stones
D) Pancreatic cyst

Answer: A) Bowel obstruction

47. How is a pancreatic cyst typically visualized on an abdominal CT scan?
A) Well-defined, fluid-filled lesion
B) Hyperdense mass
C) Calcified structure
D) Air-fluid level

Answer: A) Well-defined, fluid-filled lesion

48. What is the significance of the “target sign” on an abdominal ultrasound in children?
A) Intussusception
B) Appendicitis
C) Ascites
D) Hepatomegaly

Answer: A) Intussusception

49. What imaging feature is typical of a liver hemangioma on an MRI?
A) Bright T2-weighted signal with peripheral nodular enhancement
B) Hypoechoic lesion
C) Hyperdense mass
D) Calcified rim

Answer: A) Bright T2-weighted signal with peripheral nodular enhancement

50. What does the “crescent sign” on an abdominal CT scan often represent?
A) Hepatic subcapsular hematoma
B) Bowel obstruction
C) Renal cyst
D) Liver cirrhosis

Answer: A) Hepatic subcapsular hematoma