Write a c++ program to find out the sum of an A.P. series using constructor and destructor.

Write a c++ program to find out the sum of an A.P. series using constructor and destructor.


The constructor T4Tutorials_AP_Series() is a member function of the class T4Tutorials_AP_Series. The constructor T4Tutorials_AP_Series()has the same name as the name of its class T4Tutorials_AP_Series.

  1. When a new object T4Tutorials_AP_Series a; of the class T4Tutorials_AP_Seriesis executed, the constructor T4Tutorials_AP_Series() also executed automatically.
  2. The constructor T4Tutorials_AP_Series()has no data type. Even we can’t use void also.
  3. The constructor T4Tutorials_AP_Series()can have arguments.
  4. The constructor T4Tutorials_AP_Series()can be only public.
  5. There is no inheritance of the constructor T4Tutorials_AP_Series().


The destructor ~T4Tutorials_AP_Series() is a member function of the class T4Tutorials_AP_Series. Destructor ~T4Tutorials_AP_Series() has the same name as the name of its class T4Tutorials_AP_Series. The tild sign ∼ is used before the name of the destructor ~T4Tutorials_AP_Series().

  • When the object T4Tutorials_AP_Series a; of the class T4Tutorials_AP_Seriesdestroyed, then the destructor ~T4Tutorials_AP_Series() also destroyed automatically.
  • One class T4Tutorials_AP_Series can have only one destructor ~T4Tutorials_AP_Series(). However, one class can have many constructors.
  • Destructor ~T4Tutorials_AP_Series()overloading is impossible.
  • The Destructor ~T4Tutorials_AP_Series()can’t have any arguments(parameters).
  • The destructor ~T4Tutorials_AP_Series()has no data type.


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