C++ program to find the volume of a cube, cylinder, and sphere by function overloading. [crayon-670540c72d632496333205/] Output C++ program to find the volume of a sphere [crayon-670540c72d63c821568866/] ...
Write a program in C++ to convert a decimal number into binary without using an array and with inline function. The inline function inline T4Tutorials_Decimal_Number(int n) helps to increase the execution time of a program. The programmer can make a request to the...
Write a program in C++ to convert a decimal number into binary without using an array with a friend function. If we declare a function friend int show(T4Tutorials_Decimal_Number); as a friend in a class T4Tutorials_Decimal_Number then this function friend int show(T4Tutorials_Decimal_Number); can access the private...
Write a program in C++ to convert a decimal number into binary without using an array and using the constructor and destructor. Constructor [crayon-670540c72e0b7251557693/] Output Please enter Decimal number: 8 binary number = 1000 Destructor [crayon-670540c72e0bd059261774/] Output Please enter Decimal number:...
Write a program in C++ to convert a decimal number into binary without using an array by using the constructor overloading. [crayon-670540c72e262545117351/] Output Enter 1 FOR Single parameter Constructor. Enter 1 FOR Single parameter Constructor. 2 You Have Selected Single Parameter...
Write a c++ program to find out the sum of an A.P. series by using the inline function. The inline function inline T4Tutorials_AP_Series::T4Tutorials_AP_Series_Function() helps to increase the execution time of a program. The programmer can make a request to the compiler...
Write a c++ program to find out the sum of an A.P. series using constructor and destructor. Constructor The constructor T4Tutorials_AP_Series() is a member function of the class T4Tutorials_AP_Series. The constructor T4Tutorials_AP_Series()has the same name as the name of its class...
Write a c++ program to find out the sum of an A.P. series by using the constructor overloading. The concept of using more than one constructor with the same name is called constructor overloading. In this program, the constructor must obey...
Write a c++ program to find out the sum of an A.P. series by using the friend function. If we declare a function friend int show(T4Tutorials_AP_Series); as a friend in a class T4Tutorials_AP_Series then this function int show(T4Tutorials_AP_Series); can access the private...
Write a program in C++ to print Floyd’s Triangle by using the inline function. The inline function inline T4Tutorials_Pattern_Function() helps to increase the execution time of a program. The programmer can make a request to the compiler to make the inline...
Write a program in C++ to print Floyd’s Triangle by using the friend function. If we declare a function friend int show(T4Tutorials_Floyds_Triangle);as a friend in a class T4Tutorials_Floyds_Trianglethen this function int show (T4Tutorials_Floyds_Triangle a)can access the private and protected members of...
Write a program in C++ to print Floyd’s Triangle by using the constructor destructor. Constructor The constructor T4Tutorials_Floyds_Triangle() is a member function of the class T4Tutorials_Floyds_Triangle. The constructor T4Tutorials_Floyds_Triangle() has the same name as the name of its class T4Tutorails_Series. When a new object...