Stress Distribution – Boussinesq Equations MCQs – Soil Mechanics
Solved MCQs of Stress Distribution, Boussinesq Equations in Soil Mechanics for civil engineering.
The assumption of Boussinesq equation is that which of the following is the soil?
(A). elastic
(B). semi-elastic
(C). plastic
(D). semi-plastic
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
The assumption of Boussinesq equation is that which of the following is the soil?
(A). semi-infinite
(B). infinite
(C). finite
(D). semi- finite
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
The assumption of Boussinesq equation is that which of the following is the soil?
(A). non-homogeneous
(B). homogeneous
(C). plastic
(D). semi-plastic
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b
By which of the following is the assumption made by Boussinesq in the solutions?
(A). theory of plasticity
(B). theory of elasticity
(C). yield point
(D). failure point
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b
Due to stress distribution, the problems in soils due to a concentrated load were studied by which of the following?
(A). G.B Airy
(B). Terzaghi
(C). Darcy
(D). Boussinesq
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: d