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Signals Systems Past Papers and Guess

Signals Systems Past Papers 1

Paper: Signals Systems 

Time Allowed: 3 hours


Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q 1:     What are the Basic System Properties? Explain.


Q 2:     Convolve the following signals


            h(t) = e-at u(t) where a > 0

x(t) = e-btu(t) where b> 0


Q 3:     Explain in detail Pulse Amplitude modulation and Sinusoidal Frequency Modulation with the help of



Q 4:     Explain properties of Laplace transform.


Q 5:     Explain sampling theorem. How signal can be reconstructed from samples using interpolation.


Q 6:     Explain Linearity, time shifting, time reversal and time scaling properties of continues time Fourier



Q 7:     Explain properties of LTI system in detail.


Q 8:     Write short notes on any two of the following.


Signals Systems Important Questions from Guess Papers 2

Paper: Signals Systems 

Time Allowed: 3 hours


Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1 True/False. (14)
a. Communication is the process of exchanging information.

b. Optical media communication channels are used for audio or video analog signals.
c. Simplex communication refers to a one-way transmission type system.

d. Modulation makes the information signal more compatible with the medium.

e. Analog signals vary continuously.

f. A complex Exponential Signal is Three Dimensional Signal.

g. A system that require memory is called dynamic system.


Q.2 Derive the Equation for Energy & power in Signal and System? . (14)

Q.3 X(t) = Cost + Sint + CostSint ?. (7+7)
Find Even & Odd Component Of Signal ?


Find i) x(t-1)
ii) x(2t+1)
iii) x(4-t/2)
iv) x(t+1)

.Q.5 What is signal & System. Explain. (14)

Q.6 Find the cofficient of Fourier Series? (14)

Q.7 Find Discrete Time Fourier Trasnform? (14)
X[n] = an u[n]

Q.8 Write short notes on any two of the following (7+7)
(a) Fourier Series
(b) Continous and Discrete-time signal
(c) Unit Step & Unit Impulse

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