Paper# 1
Subject: Introduction to Philosophy of Law
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q#1. Explain the classification of civil law.
Q#2. Discuss Custom, its prerequisites and kinds as a source of law.
Q#3. Explain the statement ‘law as a norm of action’ in the light of Kelsen’s pure theory of law.
Q#4. Explain Jean Jacques Rousseau’s Social Contact Theory with reference to its criticism.
Q#5 Elaborate the historical background and Dicey’s concept of the ‘Rule of Law’.
Q#6 Explain with examples the following types of legal rights:
- i. Rights in re-propria and rights in re-alina.
- ii. Principal and accessory rights.
iii. Vested and continent rights
Q#7. Critically evaluate the legal realism theory with reference to Salmond and Holmes point of view.
Q#8. Define law in the light of its historical background. Explain its important role in the society with the help of some illustrations.
Q#9. Explain civil and criminal law in detail and highlight the differences.
Q#10. What do you understand by the critical theory? Explain it with reference to its criticism.
Paper# 2
Subject: Introduction to Philosophy of Law
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q#1. What do you understand by the term ‘Law’? Explain it with the help of the definitions given by jurists.
Q#2. Discuss the precedent and its classification as a source of law.
Q#3. Explain legal positivism with reference to its criticism.
Q#4. What was the state of nature and challenges to the life of men according to the John Locke’s Social Contact Theory?
Q#5. Explain critical theory and highlight its salient features.
Q#6. Elaborate the concept of ‘Rule of Law’ in the light of Pakistan, British and American constitution.
Q#7. Define legal right. Explain the essentials of a legal right.
Q#8. Explain the Kelsen’s pure theory of law with reference to illustrations and criticism.
Q#9. Define Natural Law theory, explain its important features and criticism.
Q#10. Write a detail note on the following:
- a) Conventional Law.
- b) Customary Law.
- c) International Law.
Paper# 3
Subject: Introduction to Philosophy of Law
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q#1. Explain the historical background of ‘Law’. Highlight its role in the society by giving some examples.
Q#2. What do you understand by the term ‘Law’? Explain with the help of the definitions given by jurists.
Q#3. Explain the classification of civil law.
Q#4. Write a detail note on the following kinds of law:
- a) Physical or Scientific Law.
- b) Natural or Moral Law. .
Q#5. Discuss the precedent and its classification as a source of law.
Q#6. What do you understand by the Natural Law theory, explain its salient features also elaborate its distinction with the other laws.
Q#7. Explain Kelsen’s pure theory of law.
Q#8. What was the state of nature and challenges to the lite of men according to the John Locke’s Social Contact Theory?
Q#9. Illustrate with examples the following types of legal rights:
- i. Proprietary and personal rights.
- ii. Public and private rights.
iii. Primary and sanctioning rights.
Q#10. Elaborate the concept of ‘Rule of Law’ in the light of Pakistan, British and American constitution.