Past Papers Method of Teaching Islamic Studies

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024


Subject: Method of Teaching Islamic Studies

Time Allowed: 15 Minutes

Max Marks: 10

NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I  Fill in the blanks. (10)

  1. In project method process the mental solution is _______ called
  2. Highest mental activity is _______.
  3. It is the other name _______ inquiry method.
  4. _______ is not required after direct observation of thing.
  5. Now a days _______ Av aids important part of teaching.
  6. We arrange _______ for interview of any personality.
  7. Islamic studies is compulsory subject _______ at level
  8. _______ plays a vital role of character builder in moral development of students
  9. Exams have _______ types.



Subject: Method of Teaching Islamic Studies

Time Allowed: 2 Hours 45 Minutes

Max Marks: 50



Part-II  Give Short Answers, Each question carries equal marks. (20)

Q#1: Describe the importance of examination?

Q#2: Write importance about project methods?

Q#3: Write Story telling method?

Q#4: Write five principals of paper making?

Q#5: Qualities of good teacher?


Part-III  Give Short Answers, Each question carries equal marks. (30)

Q#1: Write the importance and needs of teaching of Islamic studies?

Q#2: Write the importance of Discussion methods? And describe merits and de merits

Q#3: Write the note about the lesson plane and describe Importance and methodology