Past Papers English Language 2


Subject: English Language-II

Time Allowed: 15 Minutes

Max Marks: 10

NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I  Fill in the blanks. (10)

My best friend lives __________ Mall Road.

(a) in                                      (b) on

(c) at                                      (d) of

I’ll be ready to leave __________ about twenty minutes.

(a) in                                      (b) on

(c) at                                      (d) of

My fingers were injured therefore my sister had to write the notes __________ me.

(a) for                                   (b) with

(c) to                                     (d) none of these

4. Who __________ the window?

(a) open (b) opened — (c) did opened (d) none of these

Is Diana __________

(a) a friend of yours        (b) your friend

(c) a your friend                                (d) none of these

We met when we __________ in France.

(a) studied                          (b) were studying

(c) had studied                  (d) had been studying

Try __________ be late.

(a) not to                             (b) to not

(c) is to                                                 (d) none of these

You can’t live very long without

(a) to eat                             (b) eating

(c) eaten                              (d) you eat

The policeman __________ me not to park there.

(a) asked                             (b) told

(c) said                                  (d) advised

There’s the man __________ took your coat.

(a) who                                (b) which

(c) whom                             (d) to



Subject: English Language-II

Time Allowed: 2 Hours 45 Minutes

Max Marks: 50



Q#2: Explain in your words ONE of the following stanzas with reference to the context. (10)

  1. But if this century is to be more great b. Here love ends.

“Than those before, her sons must take her so                                         Despair, ambition ends;

And we are of her sons, and we must go                                                   All pleasure and all trouble,

With eager hearts to help mould well her fate,                                       Although most sweet or bitter,

And see that she shall gain such proud estate                                          Here ends in sleep that is sweeter

And shall on future centuries bestow.                                                         Than tasks most noble.

Q#3: Write the critical appreciation of the poem ‘ONE ART (Elizabeth Bishop) by focusing on the elements of humour and satire used by the poet.


Write a detailed summary of the poem ‘All The World’s A Stage’ (William Shakespeare).


Q#4: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.

“An upsurge of new research suggests that animals have a much higher level of brainpower than previously thought. If animals do have intelligence, how do scientists measure it? Before defining animals’ intelligence, scientists defined what not intelligence is. Instinct is not intelligence. {t is a skill programmed into an animal’s brain by its genetic heritage. Rote conditioning is also not intelligence. Tricks can be leamed by repetition, but no real thinking is involved. Cuing, in which animals learn to do or not to do certain things by following outside signals, does not demonstrate intelligence. Scientists believe that insight, the ability to use tools, and communication using human language are all effective measures of the mental ability of animals. When judging animal intelligence, scientists look for insight, which they define as a flash of sudden understanding. When a young gorilla could not reach fruit from a tree, she noticed crates scattered about the lawn near the tree. She piled the crates into a pyramid, and then climbed on them to reach her reward. The gorilla’s insight allowed her to solve a new problem without trial and error.

The ability to use tools is also an important sign of intelligence. Crows use sticks to pry peanuts out of cracks. The crow exhibits intelligence by showing it has learned what a stick can do. Likewise, otters use rocks to crack open crab shells in order to get at the meat. In a series of complex moves, chimpanzees have been known to use sticks and stalks in order to get at a favorite snack—termites. To make and use a termite tool, a chimp first selects just the right stalk or twig. He trims and shapes the stick, then finds the entrance to a termite mound, While inserting the stick carefully into the entrance, the chimpanzee turns it skillfully to fit the inner tunnels. The chimp attracts the insects by shaking the twig. Then it pulls the tool out without scraping off any termites. Finally, he uses his lips to skim the termites into his mouth.

Many animals have learned to communicate using human language. Some primates have learned hundreds of words in sign language. One chimp can recognize and correctly use more than 250 abstract symbols on a keyboard. These symbols represent human words. An amazing parrot can distinguish five objects of two different types. He can understand the difference between the number, color, and kind of object. The research on animal intelligence raises important questions. If animals are smarter than once thought, would that change the way humans interact with them? Would humans stop hunting them for sport or survival? Would animals still be used for food, clothing, or medical experimentation? Finding the answer to these tough questions makes a difficult puzzle even for a large-brained, problem-solving species like our own.”

  1. According to the author, what is not intelligence?
  2. What are different signs of animal intelligence?
  3. Please explain underlined words/expressions above.
  4. Do animals use human language? If yes, in what ways?
  5. Cana discovery about animal intelligence bring any change in human behavior towards animals? Give your opinion.


Q#5: Give a short summary of the above paragraph and also give a suitable title to it.