Computer Organization and Assembly Language – Past (old) Papers for BSCS/MCS

Computer Organization and assembly language – Past (old) Papers for BSCS/MCS

Here, we are showing you past (old) papers of Computer Organization and Assembly Language for BSCS and MCS classes.

Computer Organization and assembly language – Paper 1 for BSCS

Course Code: Confidential Course Title: Computer Organization and Assembly Language
Teacher’s Name: Confidential Total Marks: 20
Date & Time: Confidential Total Time:  2 Hours
Student’s Name: Reg. No:


  1. All questions are compulsory.


Explain the following jumps in details.                                                                                 (4)



What is instruction pipelining? Explain in detail how pipelining works?                               (4)


Differentiate between movsb and cmpsb in details.                                                             (4)


What is interrupt? How would you explain  hooking an interrupt                                         (4)


Write an assembly program to sort a list of ten numbers using bubble sort.                  (4)

Computer Organization and assembly language – Paper 2 for MCS

Course Code: Confidential Course Title: Computer Organization and Assembly Language
Teacher’s Name: Confidential Total Marks: 40
Date & Time: Confidential Total Time:  2 Hours
Student’s Name: Reg. No:

Q1:                                                                                                                                (4+4=8)

  1. Write an assembly program to demonstrate the working of 16-bit multiplication?
  2. Makes a dry run of 4-bit multiplication.

Q2:                                                                                                                                            (8)

Write an assembly program to find the Fibonacci series of first 5 numbers and then show the sum of all the Fibonacci numbers by using call and ret.

Q3:                                                                                                                                    (4+4=8)

  1. Explain the following with an example.
  2. STOS and SCOS
  3. Hooking an Interrupt


  1. Write the alternatives jumps for the following jumps;


Q4:                                                                                                                                          (8)

How would you print capital Z with Blue foreground and red background with no blinking property? Write its programming example.

Q5:                                                                                                                                           (8)

Write the respective values for the following jumps.

Jump Carry Flag Jump Carry Flag Jump Sign Flag
JB ? JNB ? JL ?

Computer Organization and assembly language – Paper 3 for BSCS

Course Code: Confidential Course Title: Computer Organization and Assembly Language
Teacher’s Name: Confidential Total Marks: 40
Date & Time: Confidential Total Time:  2 Hours
Student’s Name: Reg. No:


  1. All questions are compulsory.

Q#1                                                                                                                             (9 Marks)

Calculate the values of the following for the given instructions.

You need to calculate the offset, opcode, AX, BX, IP, PF, AF, ZF

Instruction offset Opcode AX BX IP PF AF ZF
[org 0x0100]


mov ax, 2 0100 B80200 ? ? ? ? ? ?
mov bx, 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
add ax, bx ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
mov bx, 12 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
add ax, bx ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Q2:                                                                                                                                    (3+6=9)

  1. Calculate the physical memory address generated by the following segment offset pairs? 74FO: 2123
  2. Explain each part of following instructions;
  3. add [num1+6], ax
  4. add 5, ax
  5. num1: DW 5, 10, 15, 0 Note: keeping in mind, the 16-bit processor

Q3:                                                                                                                              (4.5*2=9)

  1. Write a program to add three numbers accessed using a single label?
  2. Write a program that calculates the seven numbers using loops.?

Q4:                                                                                                                              (3*3=9)

Differentiate between the following with examples.

  1. Uni-directional and Bi-directional Buses
  2. Zero flags and overflow flag
  3. Direct addressing and indirect addressing

Computer Organization and assembly language –  Practical Paper 1 for BSCS

Course Code: Confidential Course Title: Computer Organization and Assembly Language
Teacher’s Name: Confidential Total Marks: 20
Date & Time: Confidential Total Time:  30 Minutes
Student’s Name: Reg. No:

Q1:                                                                                                                                          (10)

Write an assembly program to sort the 19 values with the help of bubble sort.

Q2:                                                                                                                                            (10)

Demonstration of practical/project performed in computer Lab.

Computer Organization and assembly language –  Practical Paper 2 for MCS

Course Code: Confidential Course Title: Computer Organization and Assembly Language
Teacher’s Name: Confidential Total Marks: 20
Date & Time: Confidential Total Time:  30 Minutes
Student’s Name: Reg. No:


  1. All questions are compulsory.


Write a program to demonstrate the working of a 4-bit multiplication algorithm.

Q#2: (10)

Project/ Practical Performed.

500+ Past Papers – Computer Science

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