Past Papers Chemical Fluid Mechanics

Guess Paper 1: Chemical Fluid Mechanics Fall – 2020 Past Papers

University Name – Confidential

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1 Derive Chazy’s and Manning’s Equation.

Q.2 Water is flowing in a pipe having a diameter of 3cmm with a velocity of 8m/sec. Predict whether the fluid is laminar or turbulent.

Q.3 Derive Law of conservation of energy in detail.

Q.4 Write a note on different pressure measuring devices with a labeled diagrams.

Q.5 Differentiate between absolute and gauge pressure.

Q.6 Define buoyancy. Also, discuss metacenter and metacenter height.

Q.7 Discuss different forms of energy in a flowing liquid.Q.8 Define the following with examples (where necessary)
a) Dimensions and units
b) Density
c) Specific gravity

Guess Paper 2: Chemical Fluid Mechanics Spring- 2020 Past Papers

University Name – Confidential

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1 Define the following:
i) Fluid Mechanics
ii) Density
iii) Specific gravity

Q.2 Define dimensionless number. Also, discuss Reynold’s number and its importance.

Q.3 Derive Newton’s law of viscosity.

Q.4 Write a note on the continuity equation.

Q.5 Discuss Bernoulli’s equation. It also states its applications.

Q.6 Water is flowing in a pipe having a diameter of 2mm with a velocity of 2m/sec. Calculate the Reynold’s

Q.7 Derive Chazy’s and Manning’s Equation.

Q.8 Define and explain any two of the following:
i) Pitot tube
ii) Orifice meter
iii) Metacentric height

Guess Paper 3: Chemical Fluid Mechanics Fall – 2019 Past Papers

University Name – Confidential

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1 Derive Chazy’s and Manning’s Equation.

Q.1 Define the following with examples.
i. Density
ii. Specific weight
iii. Specific gravity

Q.2 Discuss in detail the operation of the Piezometer and manometer with the help of a diagram.

Q.3 Differentiate between Laminar and turbulent flow by deriving the Continuity Equation
Q.4 Derive Bernoulli’s equation and highlight its important applications.

Q.5 What are the Different forms of energy in a flowing liquid, discuss in detail.

Q.6 What is Darcy and Weisbach’s equation for flow in pipes?

Q.7 What is a Pitot tube? How it is used for the measurement of Velocity.

Q.8 Write short notes on any two of the following
i. Uniform and non-uniform flow
ii. Differential manometer
iii. Venturimeter
iv. Steady and unsteady flow

Guess Paper 4: Chemical Fluid Mechanics Spring- 2019 Past Papers

University Name – Confidential

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q:01 Define the following with examples.
i. Density
ii. Fluid mechanics
iii. Viscosity

Q:02 Discuss in detail Newton’s law of viscosity.

Q:03 Differentiate between Laminar and turbulent flow by deriving the Continuity Equation

Q:04 Derive Bernoulli’s equation and highlight its important applications.

Q:05 What are the Different between Metacentre and Metacentre height?

Q:06 What is Darcy and Weisbach’s equation for flow in pipes?

Q:07 What are the Losses in pipelines, hydraulic grade lines and energy lines.

Q:08 Write short notes on any two of the following
i. Uniform and non-uniform flow
ii. Differential manometer
iii. Manning equation
iv. Pitot tube

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