Past Papers Bacterial Genetics

Guess Paper 1: Bacterial Genetics Past Papers

University Name – Confidential

NOTE: Q.1 is compulsory, attempt any four questions from the remaining. All questions carry equal marks. Phones and other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed.

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Examination:   Final, Fall – 2020

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1. A. Mark True (T) or False (F). (7)

i. DNA is present in the nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplast. (T/F)
ii. A feature of operons in bacteria is that a single mRNA is made that spans several genes coding for proteins with related functions. (T/F)
iii. The process by which chromosomal fragments are transferred between bacteria by means of a specific plasmid is called transfection. (T/F)
iv. Introduction of DNA into the cells by exposing to high voltage electric pulse is called electroporation. (T/F)
v. In mutation event when adenine is replaced by guanine, it is case of transition. (T/F)
vi. Left handed DNA is B-DNA. (T/F)
vii. The promoter region in prokaryotic transcription is recognized by Rho factor. (T/F)

B. Select the most appropriate answer from the choices given. (7)
I. The transfer of genetic material between bacteria in direct physical contact is called………….
(A) Transduction
(B) Transformation
(C) Conjugation
(D) Transfection
II. By convention, the sequence of bases in a nucleic acid is usually expressed in the _________ direction.
(A) 3´ to 1´
(B) 3´ to 5´.
(C) 1´ to 3´
(D) 5´ to 3´
III. Point mutation involves…………
(A) Deletion
(B) Insertion
(C) Duplication
(D) Change in single basepair
IV. Transition type of mutation is caused when ……………..
(A) GC is replaced by CA
(B) CG is replaced by GC
(C) AT is replaced by CG
(D) AT is replaced by GC

V. A nucleoside is ……………………….
(A) A nucleotide without sugar
(B) A nucleotide without phosphate
(C) A nucleotide without nitrogenous base
(D) None of the above
VI. In nucleic acids, the bases are always attached to the …..carbon of the sugar.
(A) 1´
(B) 2´
(C) 3´
(D) 4´
VII. The enzyme involved in amino acid activation is……..
(A) ATP synthetase
(B) Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase
(C) Aminoacyl rRNA synthetase
(D) Aminoacyl mRNA synthetase

Q.2. i. Describe the structure and functions of nucleic acids. (3)
ii. Explain the process of DNA replication in detail with the help of a labeled diagram. (8)
ii. Explain dichotomous replication. (3)

Q.3. Explain operon catabolite repression and attenuation control in detail. (14)

Q.4. i. How transcriptional units are organized in prokaryotes? (4) ii. Describe the key features of the genetic code. (5)
iii. Discuss structure and function of RNA polymerases. (5)

Q.5. i. Explain the process of mRNA translation in prokaryotes. (6)
ii. Describe events takes place on ribosome. (4)
iii. Draw label diagram of tRNA and explain its function. (4)

Q.6. i. What is Genetic mapping? Explain in detail. (7)
ii. Discuss chromosomal circular maps of bacteria? (4)
iii. Describe DNA mutagenesis. How mutagenic agents damage DNA? (3)

Q.7. i. Explain gene transfer mechanism and their role in evolution. (8)
ii. Discuss genetic rearrangement with examples. (6)
Q.8. Write short notes on the following
i. Episomes (4)
ii. Transposons (3)
iii. Plasmid (4)
iv. Cross-phylogenetic transfer (3)

Guess Paper 2: Bacterial Genetics Past Papers

University Name – Confidential

NOTE: Q.1 is compulsory, attempt any four questions from the remaining. All questions carry equal marks. Phones and other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed.

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Examination:   Final, Fall – 2020

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1 Mark the following statements either as True or False. (14 Marks)
a. The basic building blocks of DNA are nucleotides. (True / False)
b. In conservative replication, both strands are replicated simultaneously. (True / False)
c. E.coli chromosome replication is bidirectional. (True / False)
d. The products of transcription include mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, and regulatory RNA. (True / False)
e. “ DNA makes RNA makes protein” has been referred to as the “central dogma” of molecular biology. (True / False)
f. In bacteria, gene expression is more frequently regulated at the translation level. (True / False)
g. In bacteria, the promoter is often identified with -35 and -10 elements. (True / False)
h. A set of three base pairs constitutes a codon, which codes for a single amino acid. (True / False)
i. The process of translation occurs on lysosomes. (True / False)
j. Plasmids are circular pieces of DNA that depend on chromosome for replication. (True / False)
k. The simplest transposons are called insertion sequences; they code only for an enzyme (transposase) that cuts and ligates DNA in recognition sites. (True / False)
l. Missense mutations are DNA mutations that lead to changes in the amino acid sequence of the protein product. (True / False)
m. Conjugation involves the transfer of plasmids from a donor bacterium to a recipient bacterium. (True / False)
n. Inversions result when there are two breaks in a chromosome and the detached segment becomes reinserted in the reversed order. (True / False)

Q.2 Describe the nucleic acid structure. (14 Marks)

Q.3 Describe replication in bacteria. (14 Marks)

Q.4 Describe the operon concept of gene regulation in bacteria. (14 Marks)

Q.5 Describe a detailed note on bacterial ribosome structure. (14 Marks)

Q.6 Describe transformation in detail. (14 Marks)

Q.7 Describe classes of DNA mutations in detail. (14 Marks)

Q.8 Write a short note on any two of the following: (14 Marks)
a) Transduction
b) Transposons
c) Plasmids