Biochemistry & Genetics Important Questions – Past Papers

Paper 1: Biochemistry & Genetics – University Past Papers.

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1 (A): Define / as directed the following: (14)
i. Essential and Non essential amino acid
ii. Co enzyme and Cofactor
iii. Aldose and Ketose
iv. Transcription and Translation.
v. pH and pK.
vi. Lipids
vii. Sources of vitamin A.

Q.2: Explain in detail classification of protein.
Q.3: Discuss classification and properties of Enzymes.
Q.3: Explain the structure and properties of Monosaccharide and Oligosaccharide.
Q.4: Discuss biochemical aspects of Cell in detail.
Q.5: Discuss classification of Lipids. Also discuss the complex lipids in detail.
Q.6: Discuss the structure and functions of DNA & RNA.
Q.7: Discuss sources and biochemical function of vitamin D, E, K.
Q.8: Write short note on any TWO of the following.
i. Cholesterol
ii. Polysacharide.
iii. Cell membrane structucture.

Paper 2: Biochemistry & Genetics – University Past Papers.

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.No.1 (A) Tick True (T) and False (F) 07 marks

1) The Extracellular matrix provides structural and biochemical support to different
cells of the body (T/F).
2) Collagen has great tensile strength and is the main component of cartilage,
Ligaments, bone and skin (T/F).
3) Bioenergetics or biochemical thermodynamics, is the study of the energy
changes accompanying biochemical reactions (T/F).
4) The rate of respiration of mitochondria can be controlled by the availability
of GTP (T/F).
5) Essential amino acids are synthesized in the body while Non essential amino acids
are supplied from diet (T/F).
6) Acetyl-CoA is used as precursor for the biosynthesis of long-chain fatty acids; steroids, including cholesterol and ketone bodies (T/F).
7) Cholesterol, an amphipathic lipid, is an important component of membranes (T/F).

(B) Choose the most appropriate answer 07 marks
1) The process by which cells derive energy in the form of ATP from the controlled reaction of hydrogen with oxygen to form water is called___________________
a) Respiration b) Metabolism c) Digestion d) None of them
2) ______________are condensation products of more than ten monosaccharide units.
a) Monosaccharides b) Disaccharide c) Polysaccharides d) Oligosaccharides
3) _______________are secreted by endocrine glands and responsible to regulate different body functions.
a) Hormones b) Drugs c) Proteins d) None of them
4) _______________act as electrical insulators, allowing rapid propagation of depolarization waves along myelinated nerves.
a) Nonpolar lipids b) Carbohydrates c) Enzymes d) Proteins

5) Which one of the following is an example of metabolic disorder?
a) Bronchial Asthma b) Angina Pectoris c) Diabetes Mellitus d) Both a & b
6) Corticosteroids are biosynthesized from ___________________________________
a) Carbohydrates b) Proteins c) Cholesterol d) Enzymes
7) DNA is organized into two strands by the pairing of bases A to T and____________ on complementary strands.
a) G to C b) A to G c) T to G d) None of them

Q.No.2 Classify Hormones and briefly discuss the biosynthesis, storage, regulation and
mechanism of action Insulin. 14 marks
Q.No.3 a) Discuss the physiological functions of Glucocorticoids.
b) How Protein synthesis in Eukaryotes takes place? 14 marks

Q.No.4 Discuss the following in detail;
a) Glycolysis and its regulation
b) Citric acid cycle 14 marks
Q.No.5 How metabolism of Lipoproteins and Cholesterol takes place? Discuss in detail their clinical significance. 14 marks
Q.No.6 Define Recombinant DNA Technology and discuss in detail its use in the Molecular Analysis of Diseases. 14 marks
Q.No.7 What is meant by Biological oxidations? Discuss various functions of Oxidoreductases in detail. 14 marks
Q.No.8 Briefly discuss any TWO of the following 14 marks
a) Extracellular Matrix
b) Biochemistry of Proteoglycans
c) Digestion of Proteins

Paper 3: Biochemistry & Genetics – University Past Papers.

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1 (A): Fill in the Blanks: (07)
a. Krebs citric acid cycle is also known as_______________.
b. Glycogenolysis means breakdown of _________ to glucose.
c. The formation of glucose from non carbohydrate source is called_________.
d. HDL stands for_____________.
e. Fats are store in the body in _________tissues.
f. Amino acid broken down in the body to_______________.
g. The formation of protein by ribosome is called ___________ process.
Q.1 (B): Select as TRUE / FALSE. (07)
a. Collagen and elastin is same thing.
b. Proteoglycan is the combination of protein and carbohydrates.
c. RNA stands for Ribose Natural Acid.
d. Insulin and glucagon are hormones.
e. Polysaccharides cannot hydrolyze to monomers.
f. Galactose + ATP Galactose 1-phosphate + ADP.
g. The main structural Lipids found in the skin are called collagen.

Q.2: What is Krebs citric acid cycle? Discuss all the steps of Krebs cycle in detail.

Q.3: Briefly discuss Glucose, Glycogen, Glycolysis, Glycogenolysis, Gluconeogenesis.

Q.4: Discuss the classification and mechanism of action of Hormones.

Q.5: Discuss urea cycle in detail.

Q.6: What is Lipoprotein? Discuss the digestion and absorption of lipids in detail.

Q7. What is the difference between transcription and translation? Discuss Polymerase chain reaction.

Q.8: Write short note on any two of the following.
a) Collagen.
b) Elastin.
c) Proteoglycan.

Paper 4: Biochemistry & Genetics – University Past Papers.

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1 (A): Fill in the Blanks: (07)
a. ______is the structure and function unit of life.
b. Peptide bond is present between two_____________.
c. Fibrous protein includes collagen and _________.
d. RDA stands for_____________.
e. Vitamin ______________ are water soluble vitamin.
f. When two to ten monosaccharide units it form _____________
g. Easter of fatty acid with glycerol is called______________.
(B): Select as TRUE / FALSE. (07)

a. The main storage site for lipids is Lungs.
b. At 37Co, Enzymes show its proper action.
c. Carbohydrates contain Nitrogen, carbon and Hydrogen.
d. Enzymes and Vitamins are same thing.
e. Oligosaccharides cannot hydrolyze to monomers.
f. RNA stands for Ribose Natural Acid.
g. Enzymes itself are not used in the reaction.

Q.2: Define Amino acid. Discuss the classification of Protein in detail.

Q.3: Classify enzymes. Discuss Coenzymes, Isozymes, Proenzymes.

Q.4: Discuss in detail the importance of Carbohydrates and Lipids.

Q.5: What are Lipids? Discuss the classifications of Lipids in detail.

Q.6: What is Nucleic acid? Discuss the structure and function of DNA and RNA in detail.

Q7. Define vitamin. Discuss the RDA, Sources and Importance of Calcium & iron.

Q.8: Write short note on any two of the following.
a) Chemistry of fatty acid.
b) Properties of water.
c) PH and Buffer.