Past Papers Assistant Commissioner/Section Officer AJK PSC Kashmir

Azad Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission

Competitive Examination for the Post of Assistant Commissioner/Section Officer (B-17)

Subject: English Paper

English (Essay)

Time Allowed: 2 hours
Dated: 27-7-2007
Maximum Marks: 50

Note: Write an extensive essay of about 150 lines on one of the following topics:



Assistant Commissioner Past Papers AJK PSC Kashmir
Assistant Commissioner Past Papers AJK PSC Kashmir


Azad Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission

Competitive Examination for the Post of Assistant Commissioner/Section Officer (B-17)

Subject: Current Affairs Paper

General Knowledge-II

Time Allowed: 3 hours
Dated: 28-7-2007
Maximum Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

  1. Factors Prompting Pakistan’s Involvement in the War Against Terrorism
  2. Indo-Israeli Defense Ties in the Line of Control Scenario
  3. Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism: Impact of Pakistan’s Participation
  4. Main Factors of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy in Recent Years
  5. Tribes and Warlords in Southern Afghanistan (1980-2005): Their Influence Across the Country
  6. Role of Invading Force in Iraq: Causes of Recent Insurgencies and Sectarian Violence
  7. Causes and Factors Responsible for the Situation in Southern Sudan

Azad Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission

Competitive Examination for the Post of Assistant Commissioner/Section Officer (B-17)

Subject: Every Day Science

Time Allowed: 3 hours
Dated: 28-7-2007
Maximum Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

  1. Pesticides and Their Danger to Human Beings
    • Define pesticides and elaborate on their dangers to human beings. (2+8)
  2. Differences Between:
    • i) Brass and Bronze
    • ii) Gallon and Barrel
    • iii) Cyclone and Anticyclone
    • iv) Hurricane and Tornado
    • v) Afforestation and Deforestation
  3. Scientific Reasoning:
    • i) Wet objects dry faster at the mountain top.
    • ii) A layer of perfume on the skin produces a cooling effect.
    • iii) Walnuts can be broken in the hand by squeezing two together but not one. Why? (2 each)
  4. Brief Explanation:
    • i) Mach
    • ii) Boric acid
    • iii) Quartz
    • iv) Optic Fiber
    • v) Sound Barrier (2 each)
  5. Naming:
    • i) Ore of mercury metal
    • ii) Desert mammal which does not drink water
    • iii) Element which is abundantly present in the human body.
    • iv) Device which converts sound energy into electrical energy.
    • v) Alloy consisting of Cu, Zn, Ni.
    • vi) Scientist who discovered magnetism.
    • vii) Astronaut who first landed on the surface of the moon.
    • viii) Solution that can dissolve gold.
    • ix) Device with which the variation of blood flow can be heard.
    • x) Metal known as quicksilver. (1 each)
  6. Causes of Diseases:
    • i) Parkinson’s Disease
    • ii) Scurvy
    • iii) Alzheimer’s Disease
    • iv) Syphilis
    • v) Tetanus (2 each)
  7. Functions of Body Organs:
    • i) Gall bladder
    • ii) Bladder
    • iii) Spleen
    • iv) Bile Duct
    • v) Adrenal Cortex
    • vi) Larynx
    • vii) Pulmonary veins (2 each)

Azad Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission

Competitive Examination for the Post of Assistant Commissioner/Section Officer (B-17)

Subject: Pakistan Affairs & History of Pakistan Paper

General Knowledge -III

Time Allowed: 3 hours
Dated: 29-7-2007
Maximum Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions in all. Select three questions from section (I) and two questions from Section (II).

Section (I) – Marks: 75

  1. Muslim Separation and the Influence of Islamic Ideology
    • Interpret historical events supporting the contention that Muslims’ separation received a powerful boost from Islamic ideology.
  2. Physiography of Pakistan and Economic Significance of Indus Plain
    • Discuss the physiography of Pakistan, dividing it into major physiographic divisions. Explain the economic significance of the Indus plain in detail.
  3. Agricultural Problems and Sustainable Development
    • Analyze the agricultural problems in the country and suggest ways and means that could help the sustainable development of this sector.
  4. Factors Affecting the Location of Iron and Steel Industry in Pakistan
    • Write down factors causing the locations of the iron and steel industry in Pakistan. Describe the foreign aid component in the issues related to heavy industry.

Section – II – History of Kashmir Marks: 25 5. Constitutional Development in Azad Jammu & Kashmir since 1947

  • Evaluate the endeavors of constitutional development in Azad Jammu & Kashmir since 1947.
  1. Four Point Formula for the Resolution of Kashmir Problem
    • Examine the Four Point Formula proposed by the President of Pakistan for the resolution of the Kashmir problem.
  2. Post-Earthquake Scenario for Reconstruction in Azad Jammu & Kashmir
    • Discuss and analyze the post-earthquake scenario for the reconstruction of affected areas in Azad Jammu & Kashmir.
Assistant Commissioner Section OFFICER PAST PAPERS
Assistant Commissioner Section OFFICER PAST PAPERS

Azad Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission

Competitive Examination for the Post of Assistant Commissioner/Section Officer (B-17)

Subject: English Precise and Composition and Letter Writing

Time Allowed: 3 hours
Dated: 27-7-2007
Maximum Marks: 100

Note: Attempt all questions.

  1. Precis Writing and Composition:
    • Write a precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title:

    The business of a judiciary (the court and judges), broadly speaking, is the impartial interpretation of the law as between government and citizen, or between classes of citizens who dispute with one another. The government, for instance, charges a man with treason (acting against one’s own country); obviously he is deprived of something essential to his freedom if the law is the acts which the government seeks to have accepted as treason. Here, obviously, the judge must be assured that his independence may be maintained with safety to himself. He must not suffer in his person or position because of the view he takes. It must not be within the power either of the government or other persons to deprive him of his authority because, as best he may, he applies the law. This, as I think, makes it essential that all judicial appointments should be held during good behavior. There may be an age-limit of service, of course; but apart, nothing should permit the removal of a judge from the bench except corruption or physical unfitness.