Inclusive Education Past Papers
Subject: Inclusive Education
Time Allowed: 15 Min
Total Marks: 10
NOTE: ATTEMPT THIS PAPER ON THIS QUESTION SHEET ONLY. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.
Part-I Encircle the correct option, each question carries equal marks. (10)
1. Babbling starts at:
a. 4-6 months
b. 6-8 months
c. 8-10 months
d. 10-12 months
2. In inclusion the curriculum adaptation for special needs is:
a. Often required
b. Always Required
c. Not required
d. None of above
3. Utterance of first meaningful words
a. 12 months
b. 16 months
c. 20 months
d. 24 months
4. Pre-requisites of language development is:
a. Attention
b. Symbolic understanding
c. Situational understanding
d. All of above
5. The smallest unit of sound that has meaning in a language is known as:
a. Phoneme
b. Morpheme
c. Grapheme
d. None of above
6. Teachers who utilize questions who have only one answer are using which method?
a. Inquiry
b. Convergent
c. Divergent
d. Brainstorming
7. In learning disabilities, the name for mathematical disorder is:
a. Dyspraxia
b. Dyslexia
c. Dyscalculia
d. Dysphasia
8. To include a special child for half day in a regular setting is known as
a. Mainstreaming
b. Integration
c. Full inclusion
d. None of them
9. Startled reflex is present at the age of
a. 0-1 months
b. 2-3 months
c. 3-4 months
d. None of above
10. An analysis of note books and class lest to determine the performance of child, in assessment, is known as :
a. Portfolio
b. Work sample analysis
c. Task analysis
d. None of above