HCI – Studying Human

HCI Course Content
Contexts for HCI, Psychology of usable things, Processes for User-Centered Design,
Metrics and Measures for Evaluation, Usability heuristics, and principles of Usability
testing, Physical capabilities, Cognitive and social models for interaction design,
Principles of good interaction design, Accessibility, Principles of GUI, Visual design
elements, Data gathering, Task analysis, Prototyping, Help and user documentation,
Internationalization, Usability inspection methods, Usability testing methods, New
Interaction Technologies, Usability in practice, Visual Design and Typography, Icon
Design, Ubiquitous, Augmented, and Virtual Reality.

(Also consider USA HEC)

Contexts for HCI

the context describes the actual conditions under which the software system is used. Determining the context of the system means describing how the software system interacts with the user in normal day to day situations.

Context information will typically include anything that can be used to characterize the situation of the user, system or any other relevant entities. Context can be decomposed into disjoint categories or types to help define the context of the software system. Although these context types may differ by opinion, the most commonly recognized are the User Context, the Time Context, the Physical Context and the Computing Context.

User Context

  • The user context (also known as personal context) represents information about the end-user, which interacts with the system.
  • This includes information such as the user profile (age, preferences), the user’s location (e.g. absolute position, indoors, outdoors) and orientation, nearby objects, the people nearby and the social situation.

Time Context

  • The time context covers relevant information related to time such as absolute time, date, day of the week and season.

Physical Context

  • The physical context includes everything which is measurable in the environment of the system with which the user interacts.
  • This includes temperatures, noise levels, lighting situations, traffic conditions, etc.
  • In the simulator presented to the right, the physical world is affected by the computer simulation. The actuated chassis responds to the user’s input through the computer.

Computing Context

  • The computing context contains everything related to computational resources.
  • This can include things such as available networks, network bandwidth, communication costs and nearby computational resources such as printers or fax machines.

How to get information in HCI?

visual information auditory information haptic movement
The information received by the eye. The information is received by the ear. The received by touch. The movement of hands, fingers, eyes, and so on

How to store information in human memory?

The three main forms of memory storage

  1. sensory memory storage
  2. short-term memory storage
  3. long-term memory storage

Mostly, Sensory memory is stored for a few seconds.

What is the source of Sensory memory?

The source of Sensory memory are  five senses;

  1. hearing – (When you are listening song, you are enjoying it. When song stop, your enjoyment is lost)
  2. vision – (When you are watching the movie, you are enjoying it. When the movie finished, your enjoyment is lost)
  3. touch – (Students can now it better. So no need for details in the tutorial.  )😏
  4. smell
  5. taste

Types of Sensory Memory

Echoic memory. This is associated with sound and hearing. Your brain takes a few seconds to process echoic memories. Once the sound enters your ear, your temporal lobe processes it. Research shows that echoic memory is essential to learning a language and that people who have trouble speaking may store echoic memories for shorter amounts of time.

Haptic memory. This type of memory is related to your sense of touch. It can include sensations like pressure, pain, itching, or something that feels good. Haptic memory allows you to identify things you’re touching.

Olfactory memory. This is associated with smell. Once you take in a smell, it travels quickly to the parts of the brain that help form long-term memories. Olfactory memory helps you identify tastes because molecules from the food you chew go into your nose. Without smell, you would only be able to taste basic flavors like sweetness.

Gustatory memory. Associated with taste, gustatory memory has a close relationship with olfactory memory. It helps you identify foods through the five basic flavors your tongue identifies through the gustatory receptor cells:

  • Salty
  • Sweet


What is visual information in HCI?

Visual information is the information received by the eye.

What is auditory information in HCI?

Auditory information is the information received by the ear.



Two stages in vision

  • physical reception of a stimulus
  • processing and interpretation of stimulus

Interpreting the signal

  • Size and depth

–visual angle indicates how much of view object occupies
(relates to size and distance from eye)

–visual acuity is ability to perceive detail (limited)

–familiar objects perceived as constant size
(in spite of changes in visual angle when far away)


  • Brightness
  • Colour
    • –made up of hue, intensity, saturation
  • –cones sensitive to color wavelengths
  • –blue acuity is lowest
  • –8% males and 1% females colour blind