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Dendrite functions in neuron

QUESTION: Dendrite functions in neuron

ANS: Dendrites are branching extensions that project from the cell body of a neuron, resembling the branches of a tree. It performs following functions

Function of Dendrites in Neurons                     Interesting Facts
Receiving Incoming Signals ·        Dendrites are covered in tiny structures called dendritic spines

·        Dendritic spines increase the surface area for receiving signals and allow for a greater number of synaptic connections.

·        Dendritic spines can undergo structural changes in response to neural activity and experiences

·        They also contribute to synaptic plasticity and learning.

Signal Integration ·        Dendrites integrate inputs from thousands of synapses

·        Weighing the incoming signals to determine whether the neuron will generate an action potential or not

·        Recent studies have shown that dendrites possess computational capabilities, actively processing and shaping information before it reaches the cell body.

Transferring Signals ·        Electrical signals (graded potentials) generated in dendrites propagate toward the cell body, initiating electrical activity within the neuron.

·        Dendrites can exhibit active properties, such as the generation of dendritic spikes, which contribute to the amplification and propagation of signals.



·        Dendritic morphology and connectivity patterns are unique to different types of neurons, enabling them to receive specific inputs and participate in specialized neural circuits.

·        Dendrites can undergo structural changes in response to synaptic activity, such as

·        Sprouting of new branches

·        Retraction of existing branches

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