CSS MCQs – Pakistan

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 28, 2024


  1. MCQs Advent of Islam
  2. MCQs Fundamentals of Islam, Concepts and their Importance
  3. MCQs Deen and its religious impact on individual and society
  4. MCQs Deen and its spiritual, moral and social impact
  5. MCQs Basic Beliefs, Amar Bilmaroof and Nahi anil Munkir
  6. MCQs Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Messenger
  7. MCQs Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Reformer
  8. MCQs Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Administrator,
  9. MCQs Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Educator
  10. MCQs Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Diplomat
  11. MCQs Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Statesman
  12. MCQs Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Military Leader
  13. MCQs Early Islamic History upto Khulfa-eRashideen
  14. MCQs Human Rights in Islam Including Status of Women
  15. MCQs Human Rights in Islam Including Rights of Minorities
  16. MCQsIslam Impact on the West and vice versa
  17. MCQsIslma Role in the modern world
  18. MCQsContemporary challenges for the Muslim world and Muslim minorities in the world
  19. MCQsSalient features of Islamic socio-political and economic system
  20. MCQsjudicial system and administrative system in islam
  21. MCQsIjtihad & its forms in islam
  22. MCQsReligions of the World-Revealed & Non-Revealed
  23. MCQsContribution of Religions in Development of Societies
  24. MCQsHuman Rights and Obligations
  25. MCQsCommonality in Religions
  26. MCQsEthics & Morality
  27. MCQsImportant Religious Books


Pakistan Studies

  1. MCQs Muslim rule in the sub-continent and its down fall
  2. MCQs Muslim renaissance
  3. MCQs reform and educational movements
  4. MCQs Role of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in Pakistan Movement
  5. MCQs Role of  Allama Iqbal in Pakistan Movement
  6. MCQs Role of Quaid-e-Azam in the making of Pakistan in Pakistan Movement
  7. MCQs Pakistan and the changing regional scenario
  8. MCQs Pakistan’s nuclear programme and international concerns
  9. MCQs Regional Cooperation including SAARC, ECO, SCO and the role of Pakistan.
  10. MCQs Socio-economic challenges and opportunities in Pakistan
  11. MCQs National security dynamics and challenges for Pakistan
  12. MCQs Pakistan and important global issues, including Palestine, growing extremism and militancy, war on
  13. terror etc.
  14. MCQs Constitutional history of Pakistan.
  15. MCQs Political evolution since 1971.
  16. MCQs Foreign Policy of Pakistan, Pakistan & its Neighbors,
  17. MCQs Super Powers, the Islamic Block and the European Union.
  18. MCQs Evolution of democracy and democratic institutions in Pakistan.
  19. MCQs Kashmir Dispute.
  20. MCQs Situation in Afghanistan since 1979 and its impact on Pakistan.
  21. Pakistan’s energy problems, their economic impact and prospects for the future.
  22. MCQs Socio-economic problems of Pakistan and strategies to deal with issues related to poverty, education, health,
  23. MCQs sanitation, empowerment of women and human rights.
  24. MCQs 1973 Constitution, Constitutional amendments and important Constitutional cases.
  25. MCQs Governance issues in Pakistan
  26. MCQs accountability issues in Pakistan
  27. MCQs transparency issues in Pakistan
  28. MCQs MCQsFundamental Rights issues in Pakistan
  29. MCQs Women empowerment issues in Pakistan
  30. MCQs Sustainable developments goals issues in Pakistan


  1. MCQs Pakistan’s economic, social, and political issues, regional disparities, water scarcity, Cyber laws
  2. MCQs Pakistan’s relations with the neighbours
  3. MCQs Pakistan’s relations with the Muslim world
  4. MCQs Pakistan and the UN, European Union, and regional organizations (ECO, SAARC, SCO, ASEAN, and ARF)
  5. MCQs Pakistan’s relations with the US, China, EU, and Russia
  6. MCQs Global issues like: international peace and security; economy, human rights; terrorism; food security, energy security; global warming; Nuclear issues including proliferation and security; international trade, trade regimes, Sustainable Development Goals; etc.
  7. MCQs Relations with India, including the Kashmir dispute
  8. MCQs Middle East and South West Asia issues
  9. MCQs Prominent personalities, opinion makers, NGOs, INGOs, Non-State Actors, etc.
  10. MCQs Globalization
  11. MCQs Evolving socio-economic and political situation in Pakistan and the world, important events
  12. MCQs Sports, music, culture, literature
  13. MCQs Basic information on the solar system, galaxies, and the universe and knowledge of common terms used in astronomy
  14. MCQs Natural hazards and disasters, e.g., earthquakes, cyclones, tsunamis, etc., and disaster risk management
  15. MCQs Energy sources, both fossil fuels and renewable sources, and their sustainable use
  16. MCQs Basics of physics and chemistry, including atomic structures, chemical bondings, radiations, laws and principles of physics
  17. MCQs Materials, chemicals, and their properties
  18. MCQs Minerals and their mining
  19. MCQs Fundamentals of life forms, e.g., cell structure, nucleus
  20. MCQs Bio-molecular structures like proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, enzymes, etc., and their functions/properties
  21. MCQs Plant and animal life
  22. MCQs Human body, its parts, organs, and their functions
  23. MCQs Common diseases, their causes, symptoms, and treatment; vitamins, their sources and functions; vaccines, etc.
  24. MCQs Eco-system, biodiversity, climate change, water cycle, biosphere, rock types
  25. MCQs Atmospheric pollution, its types, sources, effects, Ozone depletion; Greenhouse effects, CFCs, etc.
  26. MCQs International conventions/regimes on climate change, biodiversity, wetlands, desertification, carbon credits, etc., and ongoing negotiations on the environment
  27. MCQs Water pollution types, sources, effects, remedies; sustainable use of water; recycling; waste management
  28. MCQs Diet and essential compounds for health
  29. MCQs Quality of food, preservation, problems relating to the deterioration of fruits and vegetables; adulterations
  30. MCQs Food security, global issues concerning hunger, etc.
  31. MCQs MCQs Fundamentals of hardware and software
  32. MCQs MCQs Data processing, knowledge of MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  33. MCQs Networking, e-mails, social media
  34. MCQs Basics of telecommunication, including GPS, fiber optics, etc.
  35. MCQs Quantitative reasoning and problem solving
  36. MCQs Basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry; problems relating to averages, ratios, percentages, geometric figures; sets; equations; areas of figures, etc.
  37. MCQs Logical reasoning and analytical reasoning through problem solving, number series, analogies, relationships, etc.
  38. MCQs Mental mathematics
  39. MCQs Arithmetical problems relating to time and work, distance and speed, age, directions, etc.
  40. MCQs Basic statistics
  41. MCQs Famous scientists and their claim to fame
  42. MCQs Famous inventions, discoveries, scientific laws, theories, and postulates
  43. MCQs Units and instruments of measurement