Crisis Management Past Papers

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: March 3, 2022

Guess Paper 1: Crisis Management Fall – 2020 Past Papers

University Name – Confidential

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q1 Define the following (3.5 marks each – Total 14 marks)

1. Product Tampering
2. Humanitarian Relief
3. Technological Breakdowns & Crises
4. Market Forces & Crises

Q2. Elaborate the term crises and discuss the potential sources of crises

Q3. Define the term disaster and explain the different types of disasters.

Q4. As a manager what would you do for “crises avoidance” as a pro-active measure?

Q5. What is “contingency planning” and elaborate the steps to be taken for contingency planning

Q6. Give an example of any crises situation which Pakistan came across during last two decades and what you suggest to government to manage such crises situations?

Q7. Write short notes on any two of the following (7 marks each – Total 14 marks)
1. Economic Forces leading to crises
2. Pre & Post Disaster Efforts
3. The Millennium Bug

Guess Paper 2: Crisis Management Spring – 2020 Past Papers

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q1       Define the following     (3.5 marks each – Total 14 marks)


  1. Catastrophic Accidents
  2. Insurance
  3. Humanitarian Relief
  4. Economic Crises

Q2.      Define & differentiate between crises & disaster by giving few examples.

Q3.      Elaborate the term disaster management and explain the different phases of disaster management.

Q4.      In the organizational context, what are the potential sources of crises & as a manager what would you do for “crises avoidance”?

Q5.      Considering the case of floods in Pakistan (in 2010) and the earthquake we faced (in 2005), do you think the government has handled these situations in a better way? What you suggest to government to manage such crises situations?

Q6.      Contingencies may happen anytime and anywhere and managers must be ready for it. In this context define “contingency planning” and as a manager what steps you will take for contingency planning

Q7.      Write short notes on any two of the following   (7 marks each – Total 14 marks)

  1. Technological Breakdowns
  2. Man-made & divine disasters
  3. Warning Signals

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