Basic Algorithms and Flowcharts MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 28, 2024

What is an algorithm?
A) A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem
B) A type of programming language
C) A hardware component
D) A data structure
Answer: A

What is the primary purpose of a flowchart?
A) To visually represent the steps in a process or algorithm
B) To write code
C) To store data
D) To debug programs
Answer: A

Which symbol represents a decision in a flowchart?
A) Diamond
B) Circle
C) Rectangle
D) Arrow
Answer: A

What is the first step in creating an algorithm?
A) Define the problem to be solved
B) Write the code
C) Draw a flowchart
D) Test the solution
Answer: A

What does “pseudocode” refer to?
A) A simplified version of programming code that outlines an algorithm
B) Actual programming code
C) A specific programming language
D) A type of data structure
Answer: A

In a flowchart, what does a rectangle symbolize?
A) A process or action step
B) A decision point
C) The start or end of a process
D) An input/output operation
Answer: A

What is the significance of flowcharting in programming?
A) It helps visualize the logic and flow of an algorithm
B) It increases coding speed
C) It reduces the need for documentation
D) It eliminates the need for debugging
Answer: A

What is a “linear algorithm”?
A) An algorithm that follows a straight, sequential path
B) An algorithm that branches into multiple paths
C) An algorithm that has a circular structure
D) An algorithm that does not terminate
Answer: A

Which of the following is an example of a control structure in algorithms?
A) If-else statements
B) Variables
C) Functions
D) Data types
Answer: A

What is the role of a loop in an algorithm?
A) To repeat a set of instructions until a condition is met
B) To store data
C) To define a function
D) To create a variable
Answer: A

What does “flow of control” refer to in algorithms?
A) The order in which instructions are executed
B) The data stored in variables
C) The number of loops in an algorithm
D) The speed of execution
Answer: A

Which of the following represents an input/output operation in a flowchart?
A) Parallelogram
B) Rectangle
C) Diamond
D) Circle
Answer: A

What is the purpose of comments in an algorithm?
A) To provide explanations or notes for clarity
B) To execute code
C) To declare variables
D) To increase performance
Answer: A

What does a “predefined function” in an algorithm do?
A) Performs a specific task that is already defined in the programming language
B) Creates a new variable
C) Defines a new algorithm
D) Stops the execution of code
Answer: A

Which term describes the process of finding and fixing errors in an algorithm?
A) Debugging
B) Compiling
C) Executing
D) Testing
Answer: A

What is a “binary search algorithm”?
A) An algorithm that finds the position of a target value in a sorted array
B) An algorithm that searches unsorted data
C) An algorithm that sorts data
D) An algorithm that searches for multiple values
Answer: A

Which symbol is used to represent the start and end points in a flowchart?
A) Oval
B) Rectangle
C) Diamond
D) Triangle
Answer: A

What is a “selection sort algorithm”?
A) An algorithm that repeatedly selects the smallest element and places it in order
B) An algorithm that randomly selects elements
C) An algorithm that sorts data in reverse order
D) An algorithm that only sorts two elements
Answer: A

Which type of algorithm is characterized by dividing the problem into smaller subproblems?
A) Divide and conquer
B) Greedy
C) Dynamic programming
D) Brute force
Answer: A

What is the purpose of the “while” loop in an algorithm?
A) To execute a block of code as long as a specified condition is true
B) To execute code a fixed number of times
C) To stop the execution of the program
D) To define a new function
Answer: A

Which of the following is an essential property of a good algorithm?
A) Finiteness
B) Ambiguity
C) Complexity
D) Redundancy
Answer: A

What is an “algorithm complexity”?
A) A measure of the time and space resources required by an algorithm
B) The length of the algorithm
C) The number of steps in a flowchart
D) The number of variables used
Answer: A

What does a “for loop” do in an algorithm?
A) It repeats a block of code a specified number of times
B) It executes code until a condition is false
C) It stops the execution of the program
D) It defines a new function
Answer: A

Which of the following describes “recursion” in algorithms?
A) A function that calls itself to solve a problem
B) A function that executes in a loop
C) A process that sorts data
D) A technique for error handling
Answer: A

What is a “merge sort algorithm”?
A) An algorithm that divides the data into smaller sublists and merges them back together
B) An algorithm that sorts data in reverse order
C) An algorithm that selects the smallest value
D) An algorithm that finds duplicates
Answer: A

What does “algorithm efficiency” refer to?
A) The effectiveness of an algorithm in terms of time and resource usage
B) The length of the algorithm
C) The number of steps in a flowchart
D) The number of inputs required
Answer: A

What does “top-down design” involve in algorithm development?
A) Breaking down a problem into smaller, manageable parts
B) Writing code without planning
C) Creating a single, monolithic structure
D) Ignoring user requirements
Answer: A

Which of the following flowchart symbols indicates a connection to another part of the flowchart?
A) Arrow
B) Circle
C) Rectangle
D) Diamond
Answer: A

What is the purpose of a “break” statement in a loop?
A) To exit the loop prematurely
B) To continue to the next iteration
C) To stop the entire program
D) To define a new function
Answer: A

What is a “bubble sort algorithm”?
A) An algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent elements, and swaps them if they are in the wrong order
B) An algorithm that selects the largest element
C) An algorithm that sorts data in reverse order
D) An algorithm that only sorts two elements
Answer: A

What does “flowcharting” help programmers to do?
A) Organize their thoughts and clarify their algorithms visually
B) Write code faster
C) Debug programs more easily
D) Store data more effectively
Answer: A

What is the role of variables in algorithms?
A) To store data values that can be changed during execution
B) To define functions
C) To create flowchart symbols
D) To execute loops
Answer: A

Which term describes the systematic approach to solving problems through algorithms?
A) Algorithmic thinking
B) Trial and error
C) Intuition
D) Random guessing
Answer: A

What is an “if-else statement”?
A) A control structure that executes one block of code if a condition is true and another block if it is false
B) A data structure
C) A type of loop
D) A variable declaration
Answer: A

What does “algorithm optimization” refer to?
A) The process of improving an algorithm to make it more efficient
B) The act of making an algorithm more complex
C) The introduction of errors in an algorithm
D) The creation of redundant steps
Answer: A

What is the significance of “initialization” in algorithms?
A) Setting starting values for variables before they are used
B) Ignoring variable assignment
C) Deleting unnecessary variables
D) Defining new algorithms
Answer: A

Which of the following best describes “conditional statements”?
A) Statements that execute based on whether a specified condition is true or false
B) Statements that define variables
C) Statements that create loops
D) Statements that store data
Answer: A

What does a “flowchart connector” symbolize?
A) A point of connection to another flowchart or process
B) A decision point
C) An input/output operation
D) A process or action step
Answer: A

What is the main advantage of using flowcharts in programming?
A) They provide a clear visual representation of complex processes
B) They eliminate the need for code
C) They simplify debugging
D) They increase coding speed
Answer: A