Words Ending with ‘c’ – [Suffix List with Meaning & Examples]

I am sharing with you a list of important Words Ending with ‘c’ with its Meaning & Examples.

  • “Basic”: fundamental, “Example”: Mathematics is a student’s “basic” course.
  • “Music” is the practise of organising sounds in an aesthetically beautiful and harmonic way. As an example, she enjoys listening to classical “music” before bed.
  • A “picnic” is a meal eaten outside in a park or other similar setting. “Example”: For the weekend, we organised a “picnic” in the countryside.
  • “Tactic”: a strategy or plan for attaining a certain objective. “Example”: To boost sales, the corporation adopted a novel “tactic.”
  • “Logic”: systematic thought and reasoning Example: He applied “logic” to resolve the challenging issue.
  • “Magic”: the use of supernatural abilities or deception to produce deception “Example”: The “magician” entertained the audience with a variety of magic acts.
  • “Cubic”: resembling a cube,  Example: The ice cube tray holds 12 “cubic” chunks of ice.
  • “topic”: The “topic” of today’s conversation is climate change. • “Topic”: subject or theme
  • “Civic”: referring to the rights and responsibilities of citizens As a “example,” civic education is crucial for producing law-abiding, knowledgeable citizens.
  • “Toxic”: damaging or poisonous “Example”: The chemical waste was “toxic” and seriously harmed the health of those in the neighbourhood.
  • “Comic”: funny or amusing “Example”: He is a well-known comedian who never fails to make people laugh.
  • “Sonic”: referring to sound “Example”: The supersonic jet’s “sonic” roar broke windows for miles in every direction.
  • “Attic”: the area above a building’s top level; “Example”: She kept her old books and mementos of her youth in the “attic.”
  • “Public”: referring to the entire populace The “public” library offers everyone access to books and information.
  • “Ethnic”: referring to a certain racial or cultural group “Example”: The city’s many cultures were highlighted during the “ethnic” festival.
  • “Critic”: a person who assesses or judges something, Example: The movie garnered mixed reviews from “critics,” with some complimenting the acting and others criticising the narrative.
  • “Tragic”: resulting in sorrow or misfortune “Example”: The community was touched by the “tragic” loss of life caused by the natural catastrophe.
  • “optic” The word “optic” refers to the eye or eyesight. She had to wear spectacles as a “example” due to her bad “optic” health.
  •  “Ethic”: moral principle or ideals, He has a strong work “ethic” and constantly aspires to do his best.
  • “Havoc”: devastation or mayhem “Example”: The storm produced “havoc” throughout the city by causing damage to several homes and structures.
  • “Clinic”: a location where patients receive medical care “Example”: He visited the “clinic” to be examined and treated for his cold.
  •  “Exotic”: foreign or unusual, The “exotic” creatures in the zoo are from all over the world.
  • “Atomic”: pertaining to the atomic structure “Example”: The “atomic” bomb resulted in significant devastation and human casualties.
  • “Organic”: originating from or connected to live things. The farm produces “organic” fruits and vegetables.”
  • “Chronic”: lasting a long period or happening repeatedly. He was given a “chronic” ailment and required daily medicine as a “example.”
  • The term “genetic” refers to the study of genes and heredity in genetics. The scientists were investigating the species’ “genetic” make-up.
  • “Scenic”: referring to or involving the natural landscape aspects. The trip down the “scenic” coast, for instance, was stunning.
  • “Traffic” refers to the movement of products, people, and cars on streets and roads. Example: This morning, there was a lot of “traffic” on the way to work.
  • “Garlic”: a pungent-tasting, overpowering bulb used to flavour food. “Example”: Many Italian recipes frequently contain roasted “garlic.”
  • The term “Arctic” refers to the far north, particularly the area around the North Pole. As a “example,” consider the severe, chilly environment of the “arctic” tundra.
  • The word “cardiac” refers to the heart. “Example”: “The patient needed surgery when a “cardiac” problem was identified.”
  • “Pacific”: serene, unagitated, and unlikely to cause any problems. He was usually simple to get along with and had a “pacific” disposition.
  • The term “graphic” refers to visual arts and designs. The company’s logo was made by the “graphic” design department, for “example.”
  • “Heroic”: Possessing heroic traits, such as bravery and courage. He was praised for his activities during the catastrophe, for “example.”
  • “Poetic”: pertaining to or resembling poetry. She excelled at crafting “poetic” sentences, for instance.
  • “Erotic”: Erotic refers to or stimulates sexual desire. “Example”: The film had a number of “erotic” sequences.
  • “Hectic”: bustling and chaotic; upsetting. Her job schedule was “hectic,” with back-to-back visits.”
  • “dynamic” undergoing continuous change or development. An “example” of a “dynamic” environment that is always changing is the stock market.
  • “Classic”: deemed to be of the highest calibre and excellent of its kind across time. for example.The book is regarded as a “classic” of English literature,
  • “Centric” refers to a location or concentration in the middle. The company’s culture is “customer-centric,” prioritising the demands of its clients.
  • “Generic” refers to a class or set of items as opposed to a particular object. The medication is a “generic” variation of a popular brand.
  • “Ironic”: taking place in a manner that is contrary to expectations Example: It was “ironic” that the lottery winner wasn’t thrilled with his prize money.
  • “Metric”: pertaining to measurement or units of measurement “Example”: Throughout the world, several nations employ the “metric” system.
  • “Fabric”: a substance created by weaving together threads For the drapes, the designer selected a lovely silk “fabric.”
  • “Panic”: sudden dread or worry “Example”: When the plane encountered turbulence, there was “panic” among the passengers.

More Examples

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