Best Web Development Online Course 

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T4Tutorials Web Design and Development Course advertisement banner

Last Date to Apply: 28 Jan 2021

Classes Starting From 1 Feb 2021

Duration and Timings: 3 Months, Monday to Friday 09:00 PM to 10:00 PM Pakistan Standard Time

Fee: 30 US$ Per Month 15 US$ Per Month (for those students who apply before 23 Jan 2021).

Mode of Payment: Paypal, Credit Card, Bank Transfer, Easy Paisa

Note: Students are allowed to join this paid course from all over the world. Students from Rawalpindi and Islamabad are not eligible for this paid course.

Class Rules: All students need to switch on the microphone and webcam during the class. The class can be taken on your Mobile phone, laptop, PC, or tablet.

Certificate: Certificate will be issued by T4Tutorials to only those students who will ensure at least 75% attendance.

For More Details: Whatsapp: +923028700085

Physical classes/Online: Just online Classes on Zoom App


The following syllabus will be covered in this online course of web design and development.


  1. HTML Introduction
  2. HTML Editors
  3. HTML Basic
  4. HTML Elements
  5. HTML Attributes
  6. HTML Headings
  7. HTML Paragraphs
  8. HTML Styles
  9. HTML Formatting
  10. HTML Quotations
  11. HTML Comments
  12. HTML Colors
  13. HTML CSS
  14. HTML Links
  15. HTML Images
  16. HTML Tables
  17. HTML Lists
  18. HTML Block & Inline
  19. HTML Classes
  20. HTML Id
  21. HTML Iframes
  22. HTML JavaScript
  23. HTML File Paths
  24. HTML Head
  25. HTML Layout
  26. HTML Responsive
  27. HTML Forms
  28. HTML Form Attributes
  29. HTML Form Elements
  30. HTML Input Types
  31. HTML Input Attributes
  32. HTML Input Form Attributes


  1. CSS Introduction
  2. CSS Syntax
  3. CSS Selectors
  4. CSS Comments
  5. CSS Colors
  6. CSS Backgrounds
  7. CSS Borders
  8. CSS Margins
  9. CSS Padding
  10. CSS Height/Width
  11. CSS Box Model
  12. CSS Outline
  13. CSS Text
  14. CSS Fonts
  15. CSS Icons
  16. CSS Links
  17. CSS Lists
  18. CSS Tables
  19. CSS Display
  20. CSS Max-width
  21. CSS Position
  22. CSS Overflow
  23. CSS Float
  24. CSS Inline-block
  25. CSS Align
  26. CSS Combinators
  27. CSS Pseudo-class
  28. CSS Pseudo-element
  29. CSS Opacity
  30. CSS Navigation Bar
  31. CSS Dropdowns
  32. CSS Image Gallery
  33. CSS Image Sprites
  34. CSS Attr Selectors
  35. CSS Forms
  36. CSS Counters
  37. CSS Website Layout
  38. CSS Units
  39. CSS Specificity
  40. CSS Rounded Corners
  41. CSS Border Images
  42. CSS Backgrounds
  43. CSS Colors

Java Script

  1. JS Introduction
  2. JS Where To
  3. JS Output
  4. JS Statements
  5. JS Syntax
  6. JS Comments
  7. JS Variables
  8. JS Operators
  9. JS Arithmetic
  10. JS Assignment
  11. JS Data Types
  12. JS Functions
  13. JS Objects
  14. JS Events
  15. JS Strings
  16. JS String Methods
  17. JS Numbers
  18. JS Number Methods
  19. JS Arrays



  1. jQuery Intro
  2. jQuery Get Started
  3. jQuery Syntax
  4. jQuery Selectors
  5. jQuery Events
  6. jQuery Effects
  7. jQuery Hide/Show
  8. jQuery Fade
  9. jQuery Slide
  10. jQuery Animate
  11. jQuery stop()
  12. jQuery Callback
  13. jQuery Chaining
  14. jQuery HTML
  15. jQuery Get
  16. jQuery Set
  17. jQuery Add
  18. jQuery Remove


  1. PHP Intro
  2. PHP Install
  3. PHP Syntax
  4. PHP Comments
  5. PHP Variables
  6. PHP Echo / Print
  7. PHP Data Types
  8. PHP Strings
  9. PHP Numbers
  10. PHP Math
  11. PHP Constants
  12. PHP Operators
  13. PHP If…Else…Elseif
  14. PHP Switch
  15. PHP Loops
  16. PHP Functions
  17. PHP Arrays
  18. Insert in database
  19. view from database
  20. delete from database
  21. Update from database
  22. Login, Logout, Sign up
  23. Database Joins with PHP


  1. SQL Intro
  2. SQL Syntax
  3. SQL Select
  4. SQL Select Distinct
  5. SQL Where
  6. SQL And, Or, Not
  7. SQL Order By
  8. SQL Insert Into
  9. SQL Null Values
  10. SQL Update
  11. SQL Delete
  12. SQL Select Top
  13. SQL Min and Max
  14. SQL Count, Avg, Sum
  15. SQL Like
  16. SQL Wildcards
  17. SQL In
  18. SQL Between
  19. SQL Aliases
  20. SQL Joins
  21. SQL Inner Join
  22. SQL Left Join
  23. SQL Right Join
  24. SQL Full Join
  25. SQL Self Join
  26. SQL Union


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